Page 128 of My Bully's Love

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Just as I’m about to head up to the second floor, I run into Reece, “We really need to stop running into one another like this!” I giggle.

“Oh my God, you’re back!” She squeals and hugs me tight, “I’ve missed you!”

“I’ve been gone a week,” I state with a chuckle.

“Hey, it’s been a very long week!” She steps back, “How did it go? I thought that maybe you would have called me, but all I got was radio silence.” She pouts.

“Uh, yeah, sorry about that. I had a lot that was keeping me busy, but court went well. The sentencing hearing is coming up and my dad said that he will call once he hears something.”

Reece studies me thoroughly, “What aren’t you telling me?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” I play dumb, but I know that she is aware that I’m hiding something, she’s good like that.

“Ella,” she says my name in warning, “Spill it!”

I sigh and look around the entryway, “Can we talk in my apartment?”

“We sure can. Just let me grab my mail first, it’s why I came down to begin with.”

Once we are shut away in my apartment, I offer Reece a drink and then head to my bedroom to unpack. My pretty blonde friend joins me, only she lays across my bed to watch me put my clothes away as I talk.

“His name is Jace, and I’ve known him my whole life.” I’m not about to tell her about the two years of bullying, because we are both trying to put it behind us, and there is no point in having my new friends hate him before they even meet him.

“Oh, is this a long-time love interest that has finally bloomed?” She asks excitedly.

I laugh out loud, “I’m not sure if I would call it that, but I guess we’ve been crushing on one another for a while, but we were best friends growing up.”

“Awe, it sounds so sweet! I want to see a picture of him, do you have one?”

I roll my eyes at my friend, “Of course I do!” I point to the photos in the frames scattered throughout my room. I duplicated most of the ones that are in my room at home just so I could have them here with me without having to pack them.

“Oh wow, can we say fucking gorgeous!” Reece fans herself.

I chuckle, but I get a bout of jealousy when I hear her words. Instead of frowning though, I smirk and snatch the frame from her hands, “Yes, we can, and he’s all mine!”

“Awe, didn’t your mother ever teach you to share?” she pouts, and I seriously can’t tell whether or not she’s joking.

“As a matter of fact, she did, but she wasn’t talking about a man!” I say a bit harshly.

“Okay, sorry for saying anything, damn girl.” She slinks away.

I sigh, “No, I’m sorry. I’m just really protective when it comes to Jace.”

“It’s okay. I have no filter at times, and I forget that not everybody is as sexually experimental as I am.” Reece shrugs.

I stare at her disbelievingly, and all I want to do is laugh, “Oh really? What, are you into threesomes or what?”

“Anything really. I’m always up for trying new things.”

“Wow, interesting.” I’m not about to tell her about me and Jace yet. I’m sure she will find out soon enough. I don’t plan on hiding our relationship in front of anyone.

“Anyway, you still haven’t told me why you were so busy.” The gleam in her eyes tells me that she knows what I’m about to reveal, so I just come out with it.

“Yes, I gave him my V-card, Reece. Is that what you wanted to hear?” I chuckle.

“Woohoo! It’s about damn time, girl! Is he any good?” She wiggles her brows.

“Well, it’s not like I have anything to compare it to, but I think he is an amazing lover. Let’s just say that he isveryattentive.”
