Page 129 of My Bully's Love

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“Ooo, he knows how to press specific buttons, does he? You got very lucky with that one. I still haven’t found a man who can satisfy me thoroughly!”

“That is Jace’s specialty.” I wink at her and close up my empty suitcase. I just finish storing it in the back of my closet when my phone starts to ring.

“Oh, Mr. Amazing is trying to facetime you.” Reece has my phone in her hand, staring at the screen.

I reach for it, but she yanks it away and swipes to answer it, “Hello, Mr. Amazing!” Reece laughs.

“Uh, hi,” Jace sounds confused, “Did I dial the wrong number?”

“No, Ella is right here. She was just telling me how much of an amazing lover you are, so attentive!”

“REECE! Give me my phone back, please!” I beg.

“Oh, was she now?” I hear Jace snicker.

I finally get the phone away from her and look at a smirking Jace, “Sorry, she cornered me down in the lobby and then took me hostage until I told her about my trip. Then the little hussy tried propositioning me to let her have a three-way with us!”

“Oh, did she now?” His interest picks up, but then he sees my glare, “I’m not interested, but it may be hot to watch you with another female.” He wags his brows at me.

“Jace Palmer!” I scold.

“Kidding, Precious!” His face then gets serious too, “I was calling back because I hadn’t heard from you. You were instructed to call me as soon as you got home. You should be napping, not gossiping.” He scowls at me over the video.

“What are you, her keeper?” Reece rolls her eyes, but both Jace and I answer her at the same time.

“Yes, I am.”

“Yes, he is.”

Reece questions me with a look, and since I don’t want Jace thinking that I’m embarrassed about it, I answer her honestly, “Jace is my Dominant, Reece.”

She stares at me with her mouth open, “You mean to tell me that you’re his…”

“Submissive.” I answer and nod.

“Holy fuck, Ella! I never would have figured that out, but I guess now, I can actually see it.” She shrugs. She gets right up in my space so she can look at Jace, “So, what do you want to be called?”

He laughs, “You can call me Jace. I’m not huge on making someone call me something else, but Ella calls me by either my name, Sir, or when we are doing a scene or playing, she will call me Master Jace. I let her choose.”

“I see,” she smirks at me and then looks at the phone again, “Well, Jace, I will keep an eye on her and make sure she’s a good girl for you.”

“I’ll hold you to that, Reece. I take someone at their word, so if I find out that you haven’t been truthful with me about my girl’s actions, I do have another friend who loves doling out punishments. Jude would love to come and teach you a lesson.” He informs my friend, but she chuckles, thinking that he’s joking.

I shake my head while staring at her, “He is dead serious, Reece. You better be thinking of a safe word, because if Jude comes here because you aren’t truthful, he will punish you.” I swallow, “I don’t ever want to be punished by Jude.”

My friend drops her smile, “Are you serious right now?”

“I’m dead serious, his torture sessions are just that, torture.” I warn her.

“Reece,” Jace calls out, “It was nice meeting you and talking with you, but I need you to be a good girl and leave now, so I can put my girl to bed.”

I don’t know what it is about Jace that makes people submit to him, but whatever it is it works. First with the whole school and at the Training Center, and then with me, and now my friend is responding with a “Yes, Sir” and heading for the door. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Jace was some kind of warlock!

“Now, Precious,” his voice brings me back to him, “I will be lenient this time, since Reece didn’t give you an option, but next time I tell you to call me right away, you best be dialing as you are opening your door.”

“Yes, Sir…”

“Now prop your phone up and strip…”
