Page 15 of My Bully's Love

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“I asked if you wanted to take our bowls to go?”

“Oh, yeah. I think that’s a good idea, it’s getting a bit stuffy in here.” I don’t know what comes over me, but I say my last statement loud enough for others to hear.

As we collect our things, I quickly glance over to the table that Jace is sitting at with Toby and Brandon. His eyes are still on me, and they are looking angrier than they did the first time I looked over. Chills slide down my back when I feel Mason place his hand on my lower back again, as we leave. I feel a hole being burned into my back, but I don’t dare to look behind me, I don’t want to see the anger glowing in my bully’s eyes. I don’t know what his problem is, he hasn’t tried contacting me or even bullying me in well over a month, and now he’s pissed to see me out, enjoying myself?

“Are you okay?” Mason asks as we settle back into his vehicle, “I saw the way Jace was looking at you, Ella. You shouldn’t have to deal with that.”

I give him a small smile, “Thanks, but I’ve been dealing with that for two years now. At least he hasn’t bullied me in over a month.” I spoon some ice cream into my mouth so I don’t say anything else, because my voice almost cracked.

“I’m sorry, Ella. I guess I never realized how bad it really was. What do your other friends say about it?”

“What friends,” I shrug, “Jace made sure that I had nobody but my own family to talk to. I thought everybody knew that.”

“I guess I never paid much attention to what was going on if it wasn’t about me.” Mason really looks remorseful, and I’m beginning to believe him.

“It’s okay. Soon, I’ll be leaving for college, and I can start a whole new life far away from Jace Palmer.”

We finish our ice cream bowls, and then Mason drives me home. He doesn’t try anything with me, and has been the perfect gentleman. Seems as though Mason Baker grew up. I’m smiling as we pull up in front of my house, happy that I have a friend now. Hopefully, he’s here to stay.

“Thank you, Mason. I had fun tonight, regardless of other things, and I want you to know that I forgive you for the past.”

“Thank you, Ella. I will continue to make it up to you, but I want you to know that I am here as a friend if you need it.” For the first time, I notice that he has a dimple on each side of his face when he smiles.

“I’ll probably take you up on that quite often,” I laugh, “But for now, I will see you in the library last period tomorrow.”

“I’ll be there, Miss Baxter.” He muses as I open the door and exit the vehicle. When I get to the front door, I turn and wave back at Mason. Once he sees me open the door, he waves back and takes off. That was sweet of him to make sure I get inside okay, I smile and think to myself, when a black jeep comes barreling down our street, well over the speed limit. Shaking my head, I spin and go inside the house, not wanting to think about Jace Palmer anymore tonight.

Chapter 8


I don’t know if it’s because of my new friendship with Mason, or the fact that I’m no longer being bullied, but I’m in a really good mood as I walk through the halls at school today. Aside from being ignored by everyone else, it’s nice to know that there is one person that is waiting to see me, even if it’s only to do school work. Mason showed no interest in going any further than friendship while we were out for ice cream, and that meant a lot, since it was the total opposite the last time we were together.

On my way to the library last period, my steps falter as I pass the Art room door, I’m flooded with memories from the last few times I was in that room with Jace. Is it wrong that I miss his punishments? I still dream of him pleasuring me, o his spankings, and everything else that had turned me on about him. I don’t want to, but I just can’t help it.

“Hey, Ella!” Mason draws me out of my little trance as he jogs down the hall towards me.

I smile at him, “Perfect timing, Mr. Baker! Shall we go get started?” I muse.

“Sure thing, I’m ready to start seeing A’s on my papers!” he chuckles and holds the door open, letting me walk into the library first.

We find a nice little corner nook with some bean bag chairs in the back of the library. The further away we are, the less chance of disturbing anybody. Settling in, we start right away, not wasting any time in getting him all caught up, so we can move on to the current work. It’s nice being with Mason; there is no strain, and I’m not on edge the whole time, waiting for something to happen. I wish he would have made his amends sooner, but I’ll take whatever I can get at this point.

When the final bell rings for the day, ending our tutoring session, Mason pouts, “Well, that went fast, we barely touched base on my issues.” He slowly starts loading his things into his book bag.

“We can meet again tomorrow, if you want to.” I offer, knowing that he has a long way to go before he’s caught up.

“That would be awesome, if you’re okay with it.” His smile is sincere as he responds to my offer.

“It’s not like I have anything else going on. I really don’t mind, and I like your company; it’s been pretty lonely for me.”

He shoves my shoulder playfully, “Hey, none of that self-pity shit, you have me now.” His cheesy smile has me giggling.

“I guess I will see you tomorrow then, and I expect you to have those two chapters done, so I can check your work.” I raise a brow at him, letting him know that I mean business while trying to hide my grin.

He opens the door for me once again as we leave the library, “Yes, Miss Baxter!” He winks and then tuns in the opposite direction from where I’m going.

When I turn down the hall where my locker is located, I smack right into somebody else, “Oh my God!” A nasally voice grunts, and I close my eyes in disbelief. Out of all the people that I could have ran into. “What the hell, Ella! Do you not know how to walk? You’re always bumping into me, and I’m beginning to think it’s on purpose!”
