Page 16 of My Bully's Love

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“You’re not that important to me, Kaylee. I don’t waste my time thinking up ways of how to run into you. I’m sorry, okay!” Rolling my eyes, I go to walk around her and her little posse of dancers, when I feel a sting to the back of my head, and my body is being jerked back. I fall to my knees but I’m still held upright by my hair. I expect to see Kaylee holding onto me, but it isn’t her.

Toby is the one holding me down by my hair as Kaylee smirks down at me. I glance back at Toby, struggling to release myself when he sneers down at me, gripping my hair even tighter, “Apologize to the lady.”

My eyes go to Kaylee and I choke on a laugh, “She isn’t a lady, and I already apologized to her.”

Toby gets down into my face, “She’s more lady than you are, slut! Now apologize so I can hear it!”

He isn’t going to let me go until I apologize again, so say it again, “I’m sorry for running into you, Kaylee.” I make sure to keep the sarcasm out this time.

“Ugh, whatever. You better hope that I don’t see you outside of school.” She flips her hair and walks away with her little posse following her.

The halls are practically empty, so instead of letting me go, Toby pulls me up by my hair, and shoves me into the boy’s restroom nearby. Slamming me against the wall, my cheekbone bounces off the wall, and I cry out in pain. I reach my hands up and back, digging my nails into his flesh, trying to get him to let me go, but it only angers him more.

“Do it again, bitch, and I will mark that pretty face of yours all up with my own nails!” I stop fighting him and just stand there, panting with my front against the cold wall.

“What do you want, Toby? I did what you told me to do, now please let me go.” I plead.

His body presses against my backside, “You did do what I told you to do, because you are a good girl like that,” He slides his free hand up my thigh and then inward. I clench my thighs together, but he pinches me, and slips his hand in between my legs when I gasp in pain, “I suggest you continue doing what you’re told. Now that Jace seems to have lost interest in torturing you, I figure I’d pick up where he left off.”

I squirm in his hold but I can’t break free, “Please, Toby, let me go!”

“Oh what, you can whore yourself for Jace when he gets rough with you, but you can’t with me?” His hot breath grazes my face, and I can still smell the school lunch on him, “Maybe I’m not being rough enough with you,” suddenly, I’m spun around and pain erupts across my cheek, knocking me to the tiled floor.

My stomach churns as I try to catch my breath. Between the pain in my face and the stench of urine, I’m doing all I can to keep from vomiting all over. My body is turned roughly, until I’m flat on my back, and Toby yanks my legs apart before kneeling between them. I try to move away, but his hand comes down once more, whipping my head to the side as he bitch smacks my other cheek.

“You really do like it rough, don’t you?” Taking both my hands in one of his, he holds them above my head while his other hand grabs at my breasts.

“Please, Toby!!” Tears run freely down my cheeks knowing that he’s too strong for me to fight.

“That’s what I’m talking about, beg me, slut!” His hand moves to my waist and I feel him open the button to my jeans. When he gets the zipper down, I give up, and start to shut myself down. I don’t want to be aware of what he does next, “That’s it, stop fighting me and just take what I’m willing to give to you…”

His words cut off, but I’m no longer paying attention, so I don’t realize when his weight is no longer on top of me. I remain on the floor, waiting for the pain that I know comes when you lose your virginity, only it never comes. Instead, I feel hands closing my jeans up, and a voice telling me it’s going to be okay.

“Come on, Ella, snap out of it. You’re going to be okay; I took care of him.” I slowly turn my head toward the voice, and more tears begin to fall.


“Shh, it’s okay. I’m so glad I forgot my mouth guard in my locker. I heard your cries as I was passing by.” He hugs me to his chest as we sit on the floor.

“Thank you, I couldn’t fight him anymore. He was going to rap…”

“Shh, don’t think about it. I took care of it, and we will go to the principal’s office.” He starts to stand, bringing me with him.

“No, it will only make it worse if I tell on him. I just want to go home, Mason.” He examines my face and then sighs.

“Fine, but let’s get you cleaned up first. Are you even able to drive?” He asks as he grabs a handful of paper towels and wetting them before dabbing at my mouth. They come away pink-tinged, telling me that Toby split my lip open.

“I will be okay. Do you have time to walk me to my car before getting back to practice?” My voice is shaky.

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll get you safely to your car.” I give him a small smile and let him continue to wipe my face off, “I’m afraid you’re going to have some bruising along with these two nasty cuts on your face.” Anger radiates of my friend’s face, and I thank God that he brought Mason back into my life just at the right time.

“I will be okay. It’s nothing a little makeup can’t hide.”

“Okay, well, let’s get you to your car, so you can get home and rest.” He grips my waist, keeping me steady as he walks me to my locker and then out to the student parking lot to where my car is parked. The lot is practically empty except for those who are in sports.

Taking my keys from me, he unlocks my doors and helps me into the driver’s seat; stretching across me to grab the seatbelt and click it in its place, “Are you sure you can drive?”

I place my hand over his that is still holding onto the seatbelt, “Yes, I will be fine. Thank you so much, Mason. I don’t know what I would have done had you not shown up.”
