Page 159 of My Bully's Love

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“No, I’m up in Reece and Gabe’s apartment, why?”

“Your phone is in your apartment but it’s moving around.”

Chills run up my spine and I put the phone on speaker, “What do you mean, it’s moving?”

“I’m telling you that someone must be in your apartment and has your phone because it’s moving around!” He curses, “Call the police, Ella, now!”

“I’ll go check it out, quick.” Gabe states and leaves the apartment. It doesn’t matter though because Jace’s voice comes back over the line.

“They just left via the fire escape!” Reece and I run over to their window that overlooks the fire escape, and sure enough, there is a figure just jumping down to the ground. It’s too dark to see who it is, though.

“Jace, someone was in my apartment while I took a shower!?” I begin to tremble, “They must have been in there at some other point as well in order to take my charger and let my laptop go dead.”

“Call the police, Ella, now!” He orders.

“Reece is already using Gabe’s phone to do it.” I inform him as my friend nods at me.

“I’m coming back to you, Ella. You’re not going to stay there without me anymore!” He says.

“Jace, you have to finish school! I’ll be fine. I will stay up in the new apartment and get all the locks changed.”

“I will figure it out about school, but I’m coming home to you baby.” I feel bad that he’s taking the time from school to come to me, but I do feel better l knowing that I will have him with me.

“Only come if you are able to finish online. Promise me that you won’t screw your last two weeks of school up just to come here.”

“Like I said, I will figure it out. I want you to stay with Reece and Gabe tonight,” he chokes out Gabe’s name but nevertheless, he still trusts me enough to stay in the same place that Gabe is, “I will call Reece’s phone tomorrow once I have another phone for you to pick up at the local store. Your phone’s gone silent, so they must have turned it off and we won’t be able to track it unless they turn it back on.”

“Okay, thank you.” I say softly.

“I promised you that I wouldn’t let anything else happen to you, and I tend to keep that promise, baby. I love you; go get some sleep now.”

“I love you too, Jace.” The line goes dead, and I hand Reece back her phone.

Gabe comes back, “The window to the fire escape was open, but your apartment is clear now.”

“Yeah, Jace told us the person was leaving through the fire escape,” Reece informed Gabe, “We saw their form, but it was too dark to make out. Ella is going to stay here for tonight.”

“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. I don’t think they will be back tonight, but I don’t want to take any chances.” He states.

“The police are on their way now.” Reece informs us both, so all we have to do now is wait.

Chapter 61

Together Again


I’m in the middle of emailing the principal about doing my last few assignments online since I’ve only got a week’s worth of classes left anyway, and then graduation in two weeks. The seniors just tested this week, so at least that is out of the way, and to be honest, even if I didn’t do my last few assignments, I’d still be passing with good grades. I’m just trying to be responsible here.

I ended up going over to talk with Elaine and Ethan this morning about what happened last night, and they were ready to fly out right away, but I told them that I already had my ticket, and my flight is this afternoon. So, instead, they called the cellular store and got a replacement since Ella is on their plan anyway.

When I talked to Ella to let her know that she could go pick up her phone and to let her know when my flight lands, she informed me that the police were in her apartment for hours, dusting for fingerprints and weren’t able to find anything but two sets, and more than likely, those two sets belong to her and I. She’s also freaking out that I’m not going to graduate by coming back to her, but I think she’s just a little shook up with everything going on.

I’m not going to lie, I’m really shook up about someone being in her place, especially while she was there, showering. They could have assaulted her, or even killed her. Another question running through my mind is, is this a freak break-in or is she being targeted. If it’s the latter, then who could it possibly be?

Thinking about familiar suspects, I know that Toby and Brandon were in school yesterday, and Kaylee is in that treatment clinic. The only one unaccounted for is Mason, but how would he know where Ella is? I dial Jude’s number and wait for him to answer. He can get the information out of Madison. Last time I checked, she’s still his and Beth’s little toy, and she’s loving it.

“What’s up Lil D?” Jude answers.
