Page 158 of My Bully's Love

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“I guess you’re pretty cool yourself, but you need to promise me one thing,” I wait for him to nod, “You need to promise not to be a dick when he gets back here. I told him not to egg you on and now I’m telling you not to be a dick. I want my friends to like the man I love and know that I’m happy with him.”

He rolls his eyes but smiles, “Fine, I guess I can do that for you, but you need to let me mess with him sometimes.”

I cock a brow at him, “We will see.”

“Come here,” he opens his arms and grins. I let him give me a friendly hug, “I truly am sorry about saying anything, and I will make sure that they never bring it up again.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it.” I hug him back and then step away.

He drops his arms right away, “Why don’t you come back upstairs.” He nods towards the stairwell.

“Nah, I think I’m just going to take a shower and then head to bed. It’s been a long day and I need to get a few things moved into the new apartment tomorrow.”

“That’s right, are you wanting any help? I’m free until about four o’clock.” Gabe offers.

“Any and all help would be great, thank you. I don’t have a whole lot, but I’m not looking forward to walking up and down those stairs that many times. I have a few boxes that I was going to wait and have my dad take up next week when they get here, but I prefer to have it all done by then.” I give him a grateful smile, “Lunch will be on me, of course.”

“Not a problem. I’ll even drag Reece out of bed to help.” He snickers.

“Don’t you mean to supervise?” I smirk.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right” We have a good laugh together and then he heads back upstairs.

I feel so much better now that we have cleared the air. I wouldn’t want to lose Gabe as a friend because he is a great guy, and a great friend. Locking the door once more, I head to the bathroom and hop into the shower. Once I’m done, and in my cami and sleep shorts, I go in search of my phone. I need to make sure I call Jace before I fall asleep. I find it adorable that he likes to be connected when we sleep. We have been able to tell each other goodnight and wake up to the other in the mornings this way.

I begin to panic when I don’t find my phone in any of the normal spots that I place it down at. I try to remember if I grabbed it when I left Reece and Gabe’s apartment, and I’m sure I did. Walking over to the counter where I set everything down at when I came in the door, everything that I had with my is there, except my phone.

“What the hell?” I think out loud. Going to my laptop, I open it up to see if I can find my phone’s location, but it doesn’t turn on. It must be dead, and now, I’m really getting frustrated. I go in search for my laptop charger, and what do you know, that’s gone as well.

Throwing on my kimono, I grab my house keys and lock my door before taking the stairs two at a time to Reece and Gabe’s. I can’t believe this is happening to me right now. It’s just my luck that not only do I lose my phone but, can’t find my charger for my dead laptop as well.

Reece opens the door and chuckles at the state of dress I’m in, “I didn’t realize we were having a slumber party!”

I giggle, “You wish. I’m looking for my phone; I can’t seem to find it in my apartment or my laptop charger. I’m sure glad my head is attached to my shoulders!”

“I saw you grab your phone when you left earlier,” Gabe says as he comes over after hearing my predicament.

“I thought so too, but I can’t find it anywhere.” I begin to bite my nail. I need to call Jace and at least let him know that I’m not ignoring him, “Can I use your phone quick?” I ask Reece.

“Sure, hold on.” She goes into the other room to go get it.

“I can’t believe you misplaced your phone in the short time that you left.” Gabe goes into the fridge to grab a water. Offering me one, I shake my head, “I always leave my laptop on the charger while I’m at home. Haven’t lost my charger yet.” He grins.

“That’s just it, I usually do too.” I furrow my brow.

Reece comes back and hands me her cellphone. Thank God I know Jace’s number by heart. When he answers, he sounds confused as to who it is calling.

“Hey, babe, it’s me. I’ve misplaced my phone, so I thought I’d call you from Reece’s phone, to let you know why I haven’t called yet.”

“Oh, that’s okay, I just got home myself. Why don’t you use your laptop to find it?” He asks and I snicker.

“Well, I seemed to misplace my charger for it and it’s dead.” I hear him sigh and then chuckle himself.

“Here, hold on. Let me see if I can find it from my end. What is your username and password for it?” I give him the information and wait for him to find it. “Uh, have you checked your pocket?” He laughs.

“I don’t have pockets. I’m in my pajamas and robe. Why do you ask?”

“Ella, are you in your apartment right now?” He asks a bit strangely.
