Page 19 of My Bully's Love

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“Ugh,” I grab her hand, none too gently, and shove it away, “I don’t remember giving you permission to touch me, now fuck off!”

She stomps her foot like a child and huffs, “Why don’t you like me, Jace? You act as if I’m a nobody with cooties, like Ella Baxter!”

I have to remind myself that she’s a girl and I can’t hit her, “Well, even Ella has a much better chance getting with me than you do.” I smirk at the dumb bitch, if she only knew.

I watch as Kaylee stomps away and enters the ice cream place, walking over to my friends table and sitting on Toby’s lap. Let him deal with her, she’s right up his ally anyway.

As I pull away from my parking spot, my thoughts go back to Ella and what I’m going to do about her. My best option is to take the day off tomorrow to get my plan in place, and so I don’t go ape shit on anyone, because as of right now, I can literally kill Baker, or worse, seriously hurt Ella out of anger. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do, stay home and reevaluate the whole situation, only moving forward once my plan is foolproof.

I had been hearing all morning how people can’t believe that Mason has befriended Ella, and that they are now studying together in the library during the afternoons. What I thought I had under control when I woke up this morning, is slowly beginning to climb once again. I can feel my anger starting to bubble at the thought of Ella using our time to study withhim! Even Brandon told me he saw them all cozy in a corner of the library yesterday afternoon. I hide my emotions well when I’m around other people, coming off as not giving a fuck, even when I’m seething inside.

Last period, I decide to wait by the Art room to see if Ella goes to the library, and sure enough, I watch as she comes traipsing down the hall, not even paying attention to her surroundings. I walk right up to her, grab her arm, and shove her into the set of lockers so her back is to me, and lean in close.

“You’ve been a bad girl, Ella!”

She whimpers, but I know I didn’t hurt her. Glancing around to make sure nobody is around; I pull her into the Art room and lock the door. We won’t be disturbed this way, and I’m not sure if I can behave now that I have her in my sight, the last thing I want is an audience.

“I have somewhere that I need to be right now, Jace.”

“Oh, and where is that?” I ask, knowing fully well where it is that she’s supposed to be, but I don’t give a fuck.

“A tutoring session in the library.” She whispers softly.

“You know this isourtime to meet. Why are you scheduling other things duringmytime?”

I now have her full attention, “I thought you were done with me. You have ignored me for over a month, and since I had that open, I scheduled my tutoring sessions.”

“Oh, I know who you’re tutoring, Ella, and you’re going to stop it immediately.” I step right up into her face, “The only guy you will spend any kind of time with is me. Do You understand?”

“No! I will not lose another friend because of you, Jace!” Her outburst takes me by surprise at first, and I almost smile, but then then fact that she just raised her voice at me pisses me off, and I grab her throat, “Do you want to repeat what you just said?”

Her hand is wrapped around my wrist, struggling to break free, “Jace, you’re hurting me!”

“Tell me that you are going to stay away from Mason fucking Baker, and I will let go.” I sneer.


“Are you fucking him? Is that it? You don’t want to give up the sex?” It’s the first thought that pops in my head and I start to get even angrier.

“Jace, you are the only one that has ever touched me intimately.”

My eyes wander her beautiful face to see if I can tell whether she’s lying or not, and I believe her, “It doesn’t matter, you don’t have time for anybody else. I will be taking up your spare time from now on.”

“Says who?”

“Says me!”

“You don’t even like me, Jace! Why would you want to be around me?”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Ella.”

She sighs and I feel her body give in, “I can’t do this anymore, Jace. Hate me all you want, but just leave me alone. I can’t take the bullying anymore.”

She drops her head once more, but I’m not letting her say what she just said and think she can ignore me. I will never leave her alone. Taking another step toward her, I grab her chin, and jerk it up. I’m about to tell her just that but what I see makes me forget what I’m about to say. I look a bit closer to her face and see that she’s got a cut on her cheek bone and lip. There may be a bruise as well, but her makeup is doing a good jog in covering it up.

“What the fuck happened to your face, Ella…and don’t you dare lie to me?” If somebody did this to her, they better hope that I never find them! Nobody touches Ella and gets away with it!

Ella has the audacity to glare at me, and then she lets it all out, “What, your little friend didn’t tell you how he tried to get a piece of the same action that I was giving you?” She rips her head back, releasing herself, and takes a step back, “Toby didn’t tell you how he roughed me up because I like it when you do it?” What the fuck is she talking about? Toby…my friend Toby…did this? I’m shocked beyond belief, “He didn’t tell you how he was about to rape me when MY FRIEND, MASON, came in and saved me from his assault?”
