Page 20 of My Bully's Love

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“Ella…” I’m not sure what I’m going to say, but she cuts me off anyway.

“No, you don’t get to tell me who I can be friends with, Jace. You’re not my boyfriend, hell, you’re not even my friend anymore! You chose to walk out of my life for reasons that you still haven’t told me, so I don’t owe you anything!”

She literally shoves me as she goes to leave, but I can’t let her go, not after everything she just told me, so I grab hold of her wrist and swing her around to face me, but I can’t think of what to say. Shame eats at me, because I feel as though this is all my fault. Ella was hurt once more, because of my actions. When she tries leaving again, I do the only thing I can think of, and I pull her to me. Releasing her wrist, I bring my hands up to grab each side of her face and crash my lips against hers.

Her lips are soft, but I want more, I need more. Using my thumbs, I force them into the corners of her mouth, and she opens for me. My tongue shoots into her mouth to find hers, and they tangle together. It takes but a moment before she is kissing me back. Her hands cover mine as I walk her backwards until she’s backed against a wall. I press my body against hers, slipping my knee between her legs as I plunder her mouth. I take from her what I’ve been wanting to for two years. Her kiss is exactly how I imagined it would be, and her taste…oh my God, her taste is the sweetest.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t last long, because she pushes on my chest and rips her mouth away from mine. I’m dazed as I try to catch my breath, and before I know it, she’s running from the room, and away from me. I let her go, but it won’t be for too long, because now that I’ve tasted her, I can’t let her go, ever.

Chapter 10

Where Did My Bully Go?


Letting Ella walk out the door after what she revealed to me was hard. I wanted to go after her, so I could wrap her in my arms and tell her that it will be alright, that I will take care of her, and avenge her, but at the same time, I wanted to go after her and punish her for leaving me the way she did. In the end, I stayed planted to where I was, because I knew she needed time. I’m willing to give her that, but not for too long.

After what seems like hours, but it was really only a few minutes, I walk out of not only the Art room, but the school all together. I know where Toby is right now, and I know he has practice right after, but I’m not willing to get expelled from school because there would be no way of keeping an eye on my girl. So, I decide to bide my time, and pay him a little visit later on, when I know he will be home alone.

Walking out to the parking lot, I notice that Ella’s car is still parked in her usual spot, and I can’t help but grit my teeth, knowing that she is with another guy at the moment. After everything I told her, deep down, I know that she still went to the library to meet up with Mason. I’ll leave it for now, but that only means that I will have fun doling out more punishments for her. I need to find new ways to punish my bad girl, ways that will be both pleasurable and painful for her.

I turn my thoughts back to Toby. What made him think that he was allowed to touch Ella? I’ve told both him and Brandon, time and time again that she was off limits, that she was only mine to torment, so why go after her now? A memory comes back to me of the other night when I met my friends at the ice cream shop. I had mentioned how I thought that Ella liked it when I punished her, but I’ve never smacked her; not like Toby did. Did he misunderstand and think that I abuse her? They are usually present when I bully her in the halls and then that first time when I spanked her and had them hold her down,so they know that I don't abuse her like he did..

He must have assumed that I was done harassing her, since I haven’t bothered her for so long, and thought that he could pick up where I left off. That’s so not the case, and he’s going to realize just how bad he fucked up by thinking that he could lay a hand on what is mine.

Just as I thought, Toby’s car is the only car parked at his place as I pull up. I watched from a distance as he pulled into his driveway, and entered his house. Pulling out my phone, I send him a text asking him what he’s up to, and he replies that he’s about to jump into the shower. I think about how I want to play this out. Do I want to go in there and just pound the shit out of him or go in pretending I don’t know anything and see if I get any kind of information out of him? Either way, this friendship is done for now that he’s touched my girl.

Making up my mind, I send off another text letting him know that I’m heading over. I wait out in my jeep for a while before going up to his door. My plan is to act dumb, but he answers the door with a smug look on his face and it takes everything I’ve got to keep my fists in my pocket. I notice the black eye that he’s sporting, and I’m guessing it’s from Mason.

“Where did the shiner come from?” I pretend to scrutinize it.

“Someone that should have minded his own business,” we walk to the kitchen and he grabs beer from the fridge, tossing me one before opening his own, “He interrupted me when I was trying to get a piece from a hot piece of ass.”

My jaw is clenched, holding back what I want to say, but he doesn’t notice as he continues, “Fuck man, I had her just where I wanted her. She likes it rough, so I gave her a few slaps and was just about to pull her pants down when the fucker came in and jumped me!” He shakes his head and then tips his bottle back.

I take a drink of my own, hoping it will calm me down; I can’t lose my shit just yet, not until he admits that it’s Ella. Instead, I smirk and shake my own head in response, “So who was this piece of pussy you were trying to get?”

Toby just waves it off, “Ah, she’s just a nobody.”

So, this is how he’s going to be? I decide to push it just a little bit, “Doesn’t sound like a nobody if Baker was protecting her.”

He shrugs, “I think he may be fucking her too…it would explain why he pulled me off,” he empties his bottle and goes for another, holding one up for me, but I turn it down, “Anyway, I’m sure she spreads those slutty legs for anyone who will give her attention.”

“Why would she be looking for attention?”

“Hell, if I know. She doesn’t have any friends, so she’s gotta do what she’s gotta do, you know what I’m saying?” He snickers.

I study him a moment before I decide to go all in, “The only girl I know at our school with no friends is Ella Baxter, and I know you’re not talking about her, because I just told you the other night that I was going to try and have a go at her.”

His smirk says it all, “Well, you know, nothing is official with the two of you, so…”

I jump from the stool that I’ve been sitting on and get right up in his face, “You tried fucking Ella?” I roar.

Leaning back, his body hits the island, not letting him go any further, “Calm the fuck down, dude! You have no claim on her, and besides, she’s a nobody, who cares if we take what we want from her? It’s no different than you doing your kinky shit to her!”

My fist connects with his face with a resounding crack, and I know I’ve broken his nose. I take another swing at him, knocking him off his stool as he lands on his ass on the floor. I use my unfinished beer and hit him over the head with it, not caring how much damage I’m doing to him. He tried to rape Ella, and I will do anything to protect her.

“I’ve told you from the get go that Ella was off limits! What makes you think that after two years you can try and shove your dick into her?” Dropping the broken bottle top, I hold him by the shirt and start wailing on him with my fist.
