Page 32 of My Bully's Love

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“What the fuck? Where did you get that?” An angry voice comes from behind me.

I swing around and glare at Jace, “I guess you think I’m nothing but a little fool, letting you have your way with me while letting your friends bully me! God, I knew I couldn’t trust you!”

“Watch your tone, Ella, and what are you talking about? Where did you get that video?”

I hold up his phone, “I grabbed your phone by mistake when I left the house and your bff, Brandon, sent it to you, so the two of you could have a good laugh at my expense!” I slam the phone against his chest and go to stomp away, but he grips my wrist and slams me back against him.

“I told you to watch your tone!” Jace growls, “You don’t get to make accusations or assume something, and then walk away, Ella. Maybe I should pull your pants down right here and show you the error of your ways!”

“Let me go, Jace…”

“Not until we’ve had a little heart to heart,” he glances down at the chain peeking out of the top of my coat, “After all, you are mine, and you will obey me on this.”

His sits down on the bench, bringing me down onto of his lap sideways. I can feel his hardness through his pants, but I try to ignore it. I don’t want to be here with him. Every time I think I might be able to let him in, something happens that reminds me of my place in Jace Palmer’s life. I will never be anything but a little toy for him to play with.

He’s the first one to start talking, “I wanted to talk about this last night but then you earned your punishments and we never got to it.” He sighs, “I saw the video on social media yesterday on the way here, and I had a friend of mine go in and take it off the internet. What I want to know is why you never told me that Brandon approached you like that?”

“Like you care! I’ve seen how close you three have gotten over the last two years, they wouldn’t be doing it unless they knew it was okay with you. God, you three are the biggest bullies around, and nobody else sees it, definitely not Kaylee, who seems to have you guys wrapped around her little finger. I’m sorry that I can’t be a dancer and have a fantastic body like her, but I honestly don’t know how you can stand her nasally voice! It doesn’t even matter because…”

He cuts me off by gripping my chin, and then gets right up in my face, “Are you done yet?”

I sigh heavily, trying so hard to keep my tears at bay. I don’t like looking weak in front of this guy, but damn it…

“First off, I want to address something that you obviously are not getting through your head. There is no one else that I want but you, Ella! You have always been the one that I wanted, and now that you know, I’m making it a reality, so stop assuming that I want that nasally cunt, Kaylee fucking Simpson!”

He seems really pissed about that part of my rant, and maybe he’s telling the truth where she is concerned, but she is only part of the problem.

“As for the rest,” he continues, “I’ve never given Brandon or Toby the okay to bully you. You have always been mine alone, and I’ve told them that, but I think when I told them that I was going to pursue you, they decided to do what they did. The day I beat the shit out of Toby for touching you, he said he had done it for Kaylee…”

“Wait…what did you just say?” I ask, making sure I heard him right.

“What, that I beat the shit out of Toby?”

I sit up straighter, “That was you that made him look like that? I thought it was Mason, since he pulled him off me.”

Jace scowls, “All that pussy did was give Toby a black eye. I beat him to an inch of his fucking life for touching what is mine, and I’ll do it to anybody else that touches you…remember that!”

I can’t hide the slight smile that touches my lips, hearing him say that, even though I don’t want him to beat anybody up like that again, “Thank you, Jace.”

“What are you thanking me for? You are mine to protect, Ella.” I only nod.

“I will be taking care of both Brandon and Kaylee when I get back home. I’ll also be making things right; something I should have already done by now. Ella, you need to come to me when someone comes at you like that. I can’t do anything if I don’t know about it. I’m not sure why Brandon sent me the video, thinking I would find it funny, but he will know real soon that he made a mistake.”

“Jace, I apologize for going off on you, but you have to understand why I took it the way I did.” I go to climb off his lap but he holds me down.

“Ella, I don’t want you thinking that things will change much between us. Aside from knowing my feelings for you, I will still do whatever I want to you, wherever I want. I do it for reasons you obviously don’t understand, but that’s not my problem. There won’t be shoving you into things or knocking your shit from your hands, but I will boss you around as I see fit.” As though I weigh nothing at all, he lifts and turns me so I’m now straddling his lap, “If I tell you to do something, I expect to be obeyed. If I want to touch you, you are mine to touch any way I want, and if I want to punish you, you know damn well that I will bend you over and spank your naughty ass.” His cold hand slides into the front of my sweat pants until he gets to the opening in my panties, “If I want you to come for me, youwilldo it, do you understand?”

My eyes have closed because of the sparks shooting through me due to his touch, so all I can do is nod.

“The only thing that I won’t take from you is your virginity. That is something that I want you to give to me willingly, but I will do everything else to this body that I want, because it’s mine and your curves drive me fucking crazy. You don’t realize how fucking sexy you are, Ella. More guys want you than you know, but I keep them back, because you’re mine.”

I’m not sure when he slipped his fingers into me, or how long I’ve been grinding and thrusting against his hand, but I’m close to coming already, “Can I come, Jace…please?”

“Are you going to be my good girl, and listen when I tell you that I will not allow anybody to bully you, and that you are the only woman that I want?”

“Oh my God…yes!” My hands are on his shoulders, and he has his other hand on my hip, directing my hips on how he wants them to move.

“Kiss me, Ella, and then you can come.”
