Page 33 of My Bully's Love

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He doesn’t need to tell me twice. I crash my mouth against his, shoving my tongue into his mouth as soon as he opens it. His thumb rubs circles around my clit while his other fingers curl inside of me, “MMM….” is all the sound I can make while my lips are locked with his as I release myself all over his fingers. My climax goes on longer than expected, but then it’s over and my forehead is against his as I catch my breath.


I open my eyes at his command, and Jace is holding up his fingers in front of my mouth. I take them in and taste myself as I suck them clean, all while staring into his green eyes.

“Fuck Ella…”

I’m breathing heavily after such an intense orgasm, but the moment I hear him say my name, I begin to freak out a little bit. What am I doing? Why can’t I say no to him? I keep finding myself wanting him to possess every part of me, and yet in the end, I just feel used, as though I’m his little toy. Deep down, even that turns me on a bit, but I’m trying to fight it, thinking that it’s wrong to want to be used like that; like I’m the slut that everybody thinks I am.

I jump off his lap, and slowly start backing away from him. I see confusion in his eyes as he watches me get further and further away from him. He says my name again but all I can do is shake my head, turn and run back into the woods. He continues to call my name, but doesn’t give chase. I know there will be consequences for running away, but I don’t care at the moment; I just need my space.

The Palmers had left the day after Christmas, because Mrs. Palmer had to get back to her store. Jace ended up going back with them since I was giving him the silent treatment and refused to do anything causing me to be alone, giving him a chance to try and trap me. He finally gave up and left, but I knew that this wasn’t over.Luckily, I was able to make it through the rest of break without seeing Jace.

School has now started back up, and once again, I’m weary as I walk down the halls, waiting for him to pull me into an empty room and dole out his punishment. I’ve caught glimpses of him a few times throughout the day, but as far as I know, he never saw me because I was quick to duck or hide until he was gone. Each time I saw him, he looked deep in thought, not really paying attention to his own surroundings, which wasn’t like Jace at all. Not once did I see him walking with his friends, laughing at something one of them had said, or smirking when a female flirted with him; in fact, he ignored everyone that had approached him.

This is how the whole week went and by the end of the first week back, I close my locker for the last time. I didn’t keep much in it to begin with, so there isn’t much to clean out. I’m a bit saddened that this part of my life is over, even though it’s been hell on me, but moving on with my journey will be bringing me into unchartered waters. Hopefully, this next part will be a happier one.

I’ve decided on going to a collage on the other side of the country. The West coast has been nice, but I’m looking forward to seeing what the East coast has to offer me, and it’s far enough away from my past that I won’t have to worry about it coming back to bite me. I’ll miss my family terribly, but I need to do this for my own sanity. Jace Palmer took so much away from me, and even though he wants to make it up to me, I just don’t know how I could ever get passed the last few years. Jace has woken things up inside of me that I never knew I wanted, but that doesn’t mean that he has to be the one that I continue exploring with. There is a whole ocean out there, and I’m ready to dive into it.

Chapter 16

Trust No One

“Hey mom, I’m headed to the store for some last minute items that I’m going to be needing.” I inform my mother as she loads the dishwasher.

“Okay, honey. Don’t worry about forgetting anything, you can always buy it when you get there or we can send it. We will be shipping out your boxes tomorrow, and they are supposed to be at your new apartment a day or two after you arrive.” Shutting the dishwasher door, my mom turns to face me, “Are you sure you want to leave so soon? You have plenty of time before your summer classes start, it’s only January.”

This has been my mom ever since I told her my plans, she’s trying to keep me as long as she can, “Mom, I told you that I wanted to find a job and try and build up a little nest egg before classes begin and I’ll have to cut my work hours back.”

She walks over to me and grabs my face, “When did you grow up? Where is my little Ella bear?” I can see her eyes misting over, so I break free before she has us both in tears.

“It’s called life mom,” I chuckle, grabbing my car keys off the hook by the back door, “I’ll be back in a bit.” She waves me away with a smirk, and I take it as my cue to leave.

My flight to Connecticut leaves tomorrow afternoon and there are a few things that I still need before leaving. My parents are proud that I chose Yale to continue my education, but they aren’t happy that I’ll be so far away. They only agreed to let me go as long as I promised to come back every holiday break and that I call at least three to four times a week. I didn’t mind agreeing to those terms; I’d agree to anything as long as they let me go.

While in the store, I’m trying to go through the list in my head, making sure I’m not forgetting anything, when I bump into one of the last people that I want to see. Yep, Kaylee Simpson. I swear, she’s the one that follows me around just waiting for a chance to run into me and then blame me for being careless. Rolling my eyes, I wait for the cursing and name calling to begin, but she surprises me.

“Oh, sorry Ella, my bad. I didn’t see you there.” She apologizes as she looks over the items in my cart, “Are you going on a trip? I haven’t seen you in school lately, I hope everything is okay!”

The fakeness in her voice is so obvious that it makes me want to puke, but instead, I play along with her little game to see where this is going, “You haven’t seen me in school because I’ve already graduated, and to answer your other question, yes. I’m starting summer classes at the college I’m going to and want to head over early to find a job.” I’m not planning on sharing where I’m going with anybody from this town.

“Oh! I didn’t realize that you finished early, congratulations,” she gives me a fake smile, “Well, I better be going. Best of luck to you, Ella.” Something passes over her expression that I can’t quite understand, but I shrug it off. I’m leaving tomorrow, so there is no sense in trying to figure her out.

After finding the last item needed, I head to the front to check out. The cashier has a gentle smile and asks how I’m doing. I don’t understand why everybody can’t be as kind as this woman. We carry on a bit of conversation as she scans my items in, and then I pay her, and head out to my car.

After loading my car up, I head for home, but as I drive by all the local hangouts, I can’t help but become a little sad. I haven’t hung out at any of them since I was sixteen; I missed so much. I pray that things are different once I move. My thoughts wander to Mason, and I realize that I haven’t talked to him since coming back from break, when I informed him that I could no longer tutor him. I didn’t trust Jace not to go after him if I disobeyed his order, so it was easier to just stay away. That really upset me, because for once, I was starting to feel somewhat normal again, by having a friend to talk to.

I’m coming up to a small stretch of road that curves sharply, so I slow down, but just as I start taking the curve, the car behind me turns on their bright lights, and another car coming from the opposite direction has their brights on, both blinding me. I try to watch the road as best I can, but just as the road begins to straighten out, my tires hit the shoulder, causing me to lose control. I’m able to come to a stop safely, but not without popping a tire in the process.

“Seriously? Who drives with their brights on?” I ask out loud and then curse the car that was behind me for turning theirs on. I’m shaking like a leaf as I open the door and get out, so I can observe what kind of damage my car is in.

It’s too dark to see much, so I turn my flashlight on my cellphone on as I walk around my car. When I get to the passenger side, I notice the back tire is flat, so I squat down and examine it closer. It is completely torn up. Sighing heavily, I go to my trunk and move everything aside, so I can get to my spare. I’m so glad my dad taught me how to change a tire!

I’m trying to get the bolt unscrewed to pull it from the trunk when I hear a car pull up behind me. I turn around, but the car’s headlights are blinding me, and even using my hand to shield it, I still can’t see the person that gets out of the car.

“Looks like you can use a hand.” A familiar voice calls out, but I can’t place who it belongs to.

Another person gets out of the same car, “You’re lucky that all you got was a flat tire, it could have been worse.”
