Page 38 of My Bully's Love

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“Of course I came for you! I will always come for you, Ella!” I have the phone to my ear and as soon as the dispatcher picks up, I frantically tell her what’s going on and that we need an ambulance. I hang up with them and hold Ella closer to me, “Hold on, Ella, we’re going to get you to the hospital. Let me call your parents…”

“NOO…” she winces, “not until I’m at the hospital. I don’t want them seeing me like this.”

I look down at all the swelling and bruises on her face and body, and realize that she’s right. We can’t let her parents see her like this. Hell, I wish I didn’t have to see her like this, because all I want to do is go find the bastards who did this and make them pay!

“Okay, yeah. I’ll call them once we get there. I will also make sure they know to clean you up before letting your parents see you.” I choke out a sob that I can’t hold in any longer, “Damn it Ella, who did this to you?”

“Promise you won’t do anything that will land you in jail, and I will tell you.”

“You can’t make me promise that baby. Whoever did this needs to pay!”

Even naked and battered, she graces me with a small smile, “Okay, well at least promise not to kill them. I can’t have you going to death row because of me.”

“I promise, Ella. I won’t kill anybody, I promise.”

“You were right, you know.”

I’m a bit confused at her words, “I’m right all the time, but what is it I was right about this time?”

“You’re a smartass, do you know that?” She winces again, making me even angrier, but I try to keep up the tough guy act for her.

“Watch it, babe. You will heal at some point, and then you will be sorry for not watching that mouth of yours.”

I watch as she reaches for her collar, “Always gotta be in Dom mode,” she muses, and I smile. She is so strong, trying to stay tough through this.

A million things are going through my head, trying to figure out on what might have happened. Aside from her bra and ripped shirt, she is naked, making me wonder if whoever did this had sexually assaulted her, and if so, to what extent?

“Enough stalling, Ella.”

“You were right about Mason. He was in on everything.”

“What do you mean?”

“He was pretending to be my friend, he was in on the attack in the restroom, and he was here tonight with your two friends…and her.” I knew that fucker was up to something! Wait, did she seriously just say who I think she said?

“Toby and Brandon were part of this…and fucking Kaylee?”

She nods, confirming what she said. I hear the sirens in the distances, and I thank God that it didn’t take them long.

Caressing her cheek, I smile at her, “You’ve been a good girl, Ella baby, rest now. I hear the ambulance coming.”

“Yeah, I think I will rest now…” I hear her mumble, and then she passes out.

I follow the ambulance to the hospital and walk in beside Ella as the paramedics roll the gurney through the ER doors. Nobody stops me from being with her until we get to a pair of double doors, and they inform me that only medical personnel are allowed through.

I kiss Ella’s lips, “I’ll be right here waiting for you, baby!” They rush her through the doors as a nurse comes walking up to me.

“Are you next of kin to the patient?” she asks, holding a pen to a clipboard.

I shake my head no, “Not yet, but I will be once I get her to marry me.”

“I’m sorry, sir. I won’t be able to update you on her condition then. Do you have the names of her parents?”

My hands ball into fists at being told that I can’t get any information about her, but I should have known that already. Ella doesn’t want her parents here right away, so I’m not quite sure what I should tell the nurse who is standing here, waiting for an answer.

I rub the back of my neck, trying to calm down, “Um, I do know them because they are my next door neighbors, but Ella told me not to call her parents right away, because she doesn’t want them seeing her the way she is. Will you wait to call them if I give you their names?”

“I can’t promise you that, sir.” The nurse sounds annoyed, but I don’t fucking care.
