Page 39 of My Bully's Love

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“She’s fucking eighteen years old, so I expect you to wait until she wakes up if you want to know her next of kin, then! I’m respecting her wishes and you need to do the same. If you’re not going to allow me in to see her, then I’m not going to help you out.”

She huffs, “Well, I guess the police will just have to handle it then!” she stomps away from me and goes straight to the nurse’s station and picks up the phone. I can only assume that she’s calling the police to have them come down.

Fuck! I want to stay until I know she’s going to be okay, but I don’t want the cops sticking their noses in this until I get my revenge. I pace back and forth for a while until I decide to sit down in one of the chairs, putting my head in my hands. I fist my hair as I rock back and forth. Forty-five minutes later, a nurse steps out from the doors they took Ella through and I jump up.

“Is she okay?”

“Are you her next of kin?”

“Damn it! I just need to know if she’s going to be okay!”

The nurse studies me for a moment, and must take pity on me, because she uses her headby nodding,telling me to follow her. We stop just around the corner, “I can’t tell you everything, but I can tell you that the young lady is going to be okay. She looks worse than she is, but she does have some mending to do.”

“Was she raped?” I haven’t been able to get it out of my head, and I need to know.

Again, the nurse stares at me, but then she shakes her head, “No, your girlfriend is still intact.”

A heavy sigh has me sliding down the wall, and relief floods me. Looking back up at the nurse,I ask her one more question, “Has she been cleaned up? She didn’t want me calling her parents until you guys took care of her.”

The nurse gives me a gentle smile, “They are doing that now. She should be ready to see visitors by the time they get here.” She smiles once more and then leaves me sitting on the floor.

Now that I know she’s going to be okay, I can call her parents and then I’ll leave to go find the fuckers who dared to touch her. I would love to wait, so I can see her, but I’m running out of time. As soon as the cops get her to talk, there will be no way for me to go after them; it’s now or never.

Chapter 18



I explained as much as I could or would, to the Baxter’s when I called them about Ella. I figured I’d leave the details for their daughter. I left the hospital soon after, and just as the police were arriving. I had shit to take care of, and I knew the perfect person to help me avenge Ella.

After sending a text to a friend, and waiting for confirmation, I turn my jeep in the direction of the agreed meeting place once it comes through. My thoughts go to the fuckers that I used to call friends. I can’t believe that they did not heed my warning; it’s as though they were testing me. Well, they are now in for a world of hurt, because they just unleashed the beast that I keep hidden.

I’m not exactly sure where I get it from, but when I’m pushed past my limit, I turn into a monster that leaves destruction in its wake. I can be a fun-loving, easy-going, boy next door, but never get on my bad side. It’s one of the reasons I took up being a Dom; it’s an outlet for me. Luckily, I can control just how far I will go, but Ella’s attackers are not going to be so lucky. It’s one of the reasons I called my friend; he likes getting his hands dirty and he will keep me in check. Although I can usually control myself, I’m not sure how it will go when it comes to Ella. I want to keep my promise to her, by not killing any of them, but I would in a heartbeat, otherwise.

I met Jude in my Dom classes; just like my hacker friend, Jude is an instructor, he’s also a sadist. He loves doling out pain, and if I assume correctly, he may even be a private hitman, but I’m not sure. Some of his stories lead me to believe he is, but again, it’s only my assumption. He’s one hell of a guy though, and he’s looking forward to helping me out with my little problem. Even though they will keep their pathetic lives, they will learn their lesson, and none of it will come back on me.

Turning onto the dead end road, I come to an abandoned warehouse about a half mile down. I’m the first one here, so I sit back and log on to social media to check the app, locating my targets. I have to chuckle because all four of the fuckers are at the same place; Brandon’s house is the place to be apparently. His parents must be on their annual tropical vacation, so he’s got the house to himself.

Headlights flash in my mirror, and I watch as a small black Chevy pulls in. I have to laugh, because this fucker is loaded, and he uses this car, because it’s less conspicuous. Still smiling, I climb out of my jeep and meet Jude halfway. Clasping each other’s hands, we both go in and give the other a half man hug.

“Hey, Jude, thanks for meeting me.”

“No problem, Lil’ D. What’s on the agenda?” Like all the instructors, Jude calls me by the nickname that they gave me, meaning Little Dominant. He leans against the back of my jeep, crossing his arms and legs, waiting for me to give him the details.

I leave nothing out when I catch him up to speed, and I know he’s going to be disappointed in my own actions, but I’m prepared for that. I deserve everything that will come my way over what I had done to Ella. I will accept everything, except giving Ella up; that is not an option. By the time I’m finished telling him everything, he has a tick in his jaw and his body is tense.

He pushes away from my jeep, “First of all,” He slaps me upside the head, hard, “That is for being an asshole to the woman you supposedly love! I’m disappointed in you, Lil’ D,” he glares as he studies me, “It’s not the way a Dom behaves, and it’s not how we teach you to be.”

“I know, Jude,” I blow out a breath, “I’m trying to fix it, though. Your instructions helped me get passed the built up anger I had to where I wasn’t bullying her as bad as I was in the beginning. In all honestly, though, I did it because it was a way of still keeping her close to me, even if I was pissed,” I hold a hand up when he’s about to cut in, because I know what he’s going to say, “I know that it’s no excuse, but at the time, it’s how I thought of it.”

“I should beat the shit out of you, too!” he threatens, but I can sense amusement behind his words.

“Believe me, I’ll be making up for it the rest of my life; it’s my vow to myself.”

He waves his hand, “Yeah, okay, whatever, so what are you wanting to do with the trash then?”

I give him my sadistic grin, “I want you to do what you do best, Jude. Give them one of your famous beatings…without killing them, of course. Oh, and it can’t come back on me.I think it's best that I let you take the helm, because I'm afraid that I won't be able to control myself once I get started.”
