Page 4 of My Bully's Love

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“UGH!” Frustrated, I pull my hand away and pull myself up and out of the tub. I now need to find something to occupy my time. “Chicken shit,” I mumble to myself as I dry my body off. Forgetting about my sore bottom, I run the towel over it roughly, cursing as the burn comes back full force. Yep, definitely made the right decision.

Chapter 3

Our Little Secret

Over the last couple of weeks, things have been back to normal, well my normal anyway. Jace is back to shoving me against lockers as he walks by, or trying to trip me when he passes me in the halls. His two friends shoulder bump me, but that’s the extent to what they do to me; the rest is all Jace. Surprisingly, nothing has been said about Jace seeing me in my birthday suit, and I thank God for that one mercy

I’m standing at my locker with the door open, reading a text from my mom, when suddenly the door slams shut. It startles me, and I jump back. Kaylee is leaning against the locker next to mine with her arms crossed and a huge smirk on her face. I roll my eyes and go to reopen my locker, but she stops me by slamming her hand against my door.

I sigh heavily, “What do you want, Kaylee?”

“A little respect, for one!” she glares at me.

“I haven’t done anything to you. Believe me, I try to avoid you like the plague.” I say smugly.

“See! That right there…it’s disrespectful!” She points her long, pointed finger nail at me.

“You have to earn respect, Kaylee. You lost my respect when you decided to start treating me like crap for no reason.” I’m just so tired of being scared about who will do what to me. I need to start standing up for myself, “So, again, what do you want? I have a class to get to.”

She huffs, and then gets right up in my face, “Talk to me like that again, and see where that gets you!”

I don’t have time for this, so I put on the biggest fake smile for her, “Geesh, I’m so sorry, Kaylee. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

She gives me a squinty glare at my sarcasm, “I just wanted to make sure that you were aware of Jace throwing a party at his house tomorrow night, and that you arenotinvited.”

“What makes you think that I would even want to go to one of his parties?”

“Well, I just know how both your parents are close friends and they will probably expect you to go.” She copies my stance.

“Whatever, no worries. I definitely will not be there.” I decide to walk away before I get even more annoyed with the barbie wanna be. I hear her snicker as I pass her, but she doesn’t stop me. Why would she even think that I would expect to be invited?

“Hey, Ella…wait up!” My sister calls out as she jogs up to me, “What class do you have next?”

“History, why do you ask?”

“Oh, just wondering. Are you doing anything this afternoon?”

“Not as of right now, unless mom asks, why?”

“Well, I was wondering if you could take me to the mall and help me pick an outfit out.”

“Of course, I will! I love shopping with you.” I bring her in for a side hug as we walk down the hall.

“Thank you! I better get going, my class is all the way downstairs.” She chuckles.

I shake my head in amusement as my sister bounces away.

“Your little sister is turning into a hottie.” My body freezes at the sound of his voice. Spinning around, I come face to face with my bully.

“Please stay away from her.” I plead.

His hand presses against the middle of his chest, and he gives a fake gasp, “You hurt my feelings, Ella. I would never do anything to hurt an innocent girl like Elise.” He leans in, so the other students passing by don’t hear what he’s about to say, “She isn’t you. I’d never do to her all the things I want to do to you. I wouldn’t want to hurt her like I want to hurt you.”

Even though his words are hurtful, they send a tingle through me, making my core throb. I suck in a breath and take a little step back. When I glance up at his face, there is a look that has replaced the hardness that is usually there. Almost like a look that promises me that he will be doing exactly what he just said. We are only a few inches away from each other, the smell of his cologne tickles my nose. I know the scent well, because it’s still the same one that he started wearing when we were friends. It’s the one that I bought him; he’s never changed it after all this time.

I don’t dare say anything or try to move away. I wait for him to depart first, and when he gives me a sneer and stomps away, I blow the breath out that I hadn’t realized I was holding in.

“Oh my God, that is so cute on you! I think you should definitely go with that one.”
