Page 5 of My Bully's Love

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I’ve been sitting down, flipping through an out of date fashion magazine while my sister tries on outfit after outfit. I really don’t mind, it’s not like I have anything else going on in my life. Living vicariously through Elise at least helps me keep up on life outside of home and school.

“You think so?” She turns in front of the full-length mirror, trying to decide, “I still think I should go with the green dress.”

My mouth drops open, “You mean the one wear your butt cheeks are peeking out of the bottom?”

“Don’t exaggerate, Ella.”

“Who are you going out on a date with anyway?” I slap her hand away as she tries to fold the already small crop top, up so it sits right under her breasts.

“Oh, I don’t have a date.”

I’m totally confused now, “So what was this important shopping trip for?”

Her eyes widen as she looks over at me, “Um, hello! It’s Jace’s very first party at his house! Aren’t you going?”

She leaves me speechless to where I just stand here gawking at her until she shakes me a bit.

“Earth to Ella! Did you hear me?”

“Uh, yeah, um…but no, I’m not going.” I tilt my head at her, “Why are you going? You never even talk to him.”

She shrugs, “He personally invited me this morning.” Cocking her hip and placing her hand upon it, she scrutinizes me, “You’re seriously not going? I mean, you two used to be inseparable and now I never see you guys talk. Is there something going on that you haven’t told men about?”

Elise has no idea of the hell that our next door neighbor puts me through on a daily basis. He makes sure to be on his best behavior when she or any other family member is around. I don’t want her knowing, but I also don’t want her going to that party. Nothing good can come from him inviting my little sister; he’s up to something.

Putting one of my famous fake smiles on, I rub her arm, “There is nothing to tell. Friends grow apart, and parties are not my thing.” An idea comes to me, “Hey, why don’t you ditch the party and we can go hit up the next town, maybe check out that new hangout that everybody seems to be crazy about?”

She scoffs at me, “Seriously? Mom and Dad finally give me permission to go to a high school party, and you think I will pass it up?” Her head shakes, “Uh huh, not doing it.”

Feeling defeated, I go back to the chair I was sitting in, “In that case, wear this outfit. I don’t want any of those buttholes from school trying to feel you up, and they will try.”

“Fine. I will listen to my big sister’s advice.” She goes to enter the dressing room but then turns back to me, “I love you, Ella. If there is anything that you need to talk about, I’m here for you. All of your secrets are safe with me.”

I smile, “Thank you, Elise. Right back at you.”

She nods her head and sadly smiles back before closing the dressing room door. I need to talk to Jace before that party. I need to know what his plans are with my baby sister. Maybe if I tell her what he’s been doing to me for the past two years, then she won’t go. Biting my thumb nail, I contemplate on doing just that. In the end, though, I just can’t do it. I can’t tell her how much of a pussy her big sister is because she can’t stand up to the boy next door.

I’ve just finished supper with my family when I excuse myself. I hurry to my room and glance out my window to see if Jace is home. His black jeep is parked in the driveway, so I pick up my cell and type out a quick text.

ME: Can we talk?

Hitting send, I wait. I get nothing back for at least ten minutes, and just when I think he’s going to ignore me, my phone pings.

JP: Why would I want to talk to you?

ME: Please, it’s important!

JP: What’s in it for me?

Seriously? What a douche bag! I sit back, biting my lower lip while I think about what to say. My phone pings again.

JP: I don’t have all night, Ella. Some

of us have a life you know!

ME: Ok…I’m thinking!

JP: Did you just yell at me?
