Page 44 of My Bully's Love

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“She’s jealous for some reason.” I leave it at that and hope that it will be enough, but my father, the lawyer doesn’t accept it.

“Ella, what aren’t you telling us?” He looks at me sternly.

Rolling my eyes, I set my sandwich down again. At this rate, it will be cold and gross by the time I’m able to eat it! I take a drink of my coffee, “Kaylee has had a crush on Jace, and she thinks that I’ve ruined it for her because he told her that he wants me.” I duck my head as I feel my face heat up.

“Oh wow.” My mom sits back in her chair, “So, you and Jace…?”

“No…I don’t know. He wants to be with me, but I don’t know what I want yet because I want to concentrate on school.”

“Well, I didn’t see that coming.” My dad snickers.

“Can I please eat now?”

“Sure, sweetie,” my mom stands up, “We are going to go find the nurse or doctor and see how soon we can take you home.”

“That would be great! These hospital gowns are not my style, and the color is all wrong for my complexion.” I joke.

Once I’m alone, I bite into my sandwich and moan. All I want to do is fill my belly and soak in a nice hot bathtub, but I’ll have to wait on the latter, unless they let me go down and soak in the one reserved for soon-to-be-mothers in maternity. Once my food is gone, I lean back against the mattress, turning my head to stare out the window. It looks like a beautiful day outside, but I know the temps are frigid. My mind wanders to the four people whose day is about to go to crap, but they did this to themselves, and I don't feel the least bit bad for them.

My parents were able to talk the doctor into releasing me, so now I’m being wheeled down the hallway, heading for the exit, when I happen to glance in one of the rooms on the way. I place my hands on the wheels and tell my mom to stop.

“Go back,” I tell her and point to the room that we just passed.

It looks to be an examination room, and there, sitting on the table as they wait for the doctor, is no other but Kaylee Simpson. She doesn’t see me because she’s too busy looking at her phone, so it gives me time to study her. She doesn’t look much better than me, with her face all swollen and bruised. I can see black and blue marks on her arms as well, but she’s swinging her legs as though they are perfectly fine.

“Is that…?”

I nod, “Yeah, it’s Kaylee.”

My mom surprises the crap out of me when the next words out of her mouth are, “Well, karma is a bitch, isn’t it?”

Kaylee glances up just as my mouth drops from my mom’s statement. Her eyes widen when she realizes that it’s me, but then she glares right at me. Then, mom takes it a step further and knocks on the door, getting Kaylee’s mom’s attention as well.

“I do hope your daughter has learned her lesson. Having three guys beat my daughter and then she, herself kicking my daughter when she was already down, is bound to have karma come back around. Doesn’t look like she’s half as bad as my daughter is…it’s a pity.”

“Mom!” I gasp.

“What are you talking about?” Kaylee’s mom glances at me, and gasps herself. She turns to her daughter, “Did you have something to do with this?”

Kaylee rolls her eyes, “Don’t believe her, mom. She’s just a dumb slut from school.”

Thank God my father walks up, because he’s the one that grabs my mom’s waist when she goes full force towards the room. My mother struggles to get out of his arms but he whispers something in her ear and she settles down. He lets her go and she walks to the exit while my dad takes hold of my wheelchair.

“I apologize for my wife’s behavior, Mrs. Simpson. The police will be in contact with your daughter, concerning the assault on my daughter last night, as well as the three guys that your daughter was with. If you have any questions, you can have your lawyer contact me at my office.” He turns and wheels me out the door to our waiting car.

“The nerve of that little bitch!” It’s the first thing out of mom’s mouth when we reach the car.


“What do you expect me to do, Ethan? She was sitting there telling her mother that our Ella is a dumb slut!” she glares back at the hospital, “I think she better take a better look at her own daughter before she believes anything out of her mouth!”

I can’t help the giggle that bubbles up and out my mouth. My father glances at me, and I can see the small grin on his face while his back is to my mom. He tries to be as gentle as he can while helping me into the car. Before he can shut the door, though, we hear someone call out to us. I look around my dad and see Kaylee’s mom quickly making her way over. She holds up her hand when my dad goes to say something.

“Please hear me out,” she glances at me, “I’m sorry if my daughter had something to do with your injuries. I don’t know what’s gotten into her over the past year, she’s changed. This isn’t how she was brought up.”

I nod, “I don’t blame you, Mrs. Simpson, Kaylee has issues, and needs help, but those are just my thoughts.”

“I’ll definitely be looking into that, depending on what the charges are against her for this.” I can tell by the look on her face that she feels guilty for her daughter’s actions, “I know I have no right to ask this, but do you happen to know who would have beat my daughter up last night? She was at a friend’s house, and they all got beat up.”
