Page 43 of My Bully's Love

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The male nods, but the female touches my hand, “Take all the time you need. We know how tough it is to have to relive what you went through.”

When she says the word tough, it takes me back to when Jace told me he was proud of me for being so strong through this. I can do this, otherwise, they will get away with it, and probably try doing it again, if not to me, then to someone else. I don’t know how people who I went to school with my whole life, other than Mason, could do this to me. I close my eyes and swallow, but when I open my eyes again, I’m no longer in the hospital, but in my car, driving home…and I begin talking

“Toby Anderson, Brandon Feeny, Mason Baker, and Kaylee Simpson,” I state all of their names first, “Those were the ones who attacked me last night, and yes, it was premeditated.” I go on to tell them about Kaylee bumping into me and being extra nice to me, and then all the events that followed.

“Miss Baxter,” the male looks up at me when he finishes writing down everything I just reported, “Do you know of any reason why they would target you?”

“I can tell you that Kaylee is jealous, because a guy she likes is interested in me, instead of her. As for the guys, the only thing I can think of is that they did it for her. Toby attacked me once before because she asked him to.” I go on to explain that incident as well. I’m in the middle of telling them of my attack in the restroom when my parents come walking in.

My mom stops dead in her tracks when she hears me report how Toby had tried raping me, “Oh my God! Ella, why didn’t you say anything?”

I look down at my hands, “Because it was taken care of, and I didn’t want you to worry about me.”

My mom drops my breakfast bag down on my tray and leans over, hugging me gently, “Ella, you need to tell us stuff like this! How are we supposed to protect you if we don’t know about it? Did this same boy do this to you last night, too?”

I nod, “Along with two other boys and a girl.”

It’s my father who gasps, and then paces the room with his hands on his hips, “We’re going to press charges on all four of them! I want them arrested today!”

“Calm down, Mr. Baxter. Let us finish taking your daughter’s statement, and then we need to go talk to the others that were supposedly involved.”

“Supposedly?” My dad’s face turns red, “Are you calling my daughter a liar?”


“No, Ella! What you went through is not something anybody should lie about, and if you said it was them, then it was them, and they are going to pay!”

“Please, Ethan, calm down,” my mom walks over to my dad, “The police are only doing their job, they need to interview everyone and then collect any evidence that there may be. You’re a lawyer, dear, you know this. You can’t change the law because it’s your daughter that is involved.”

He closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths, “You’re right, I’m sorry,” he turns to the police officers, “I’m sorry, please forgive the outburst.”

The female smiles and nods, “It’s quite alright. We are used to this, and it’s perfectly understandable why you would feel this way.” She glances back at me, “If you are one hundred percent sure that they are your attackers, then an arrest shouldn’t be a problem. It’s finding the evidence to prove their guilt that could possibly cause a problem.”

The male officer speaks up, “Are they all at least eighteen?”

I nod, “I believe so.”

His mouth tightens into a straight line, “Okay then, we will go and arrest all four, but they will be able to post bail once they see the judge. Then it just gets messy from there, but since your father is a lawyer, you probably know all that.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I do.”

“Alright, we will let you get some rest and we will be in contact.” He shakes my hand, and then both my parents’ hands before the female officer does the same.

Once it’s just me and my parents in the room, I sigh heavily, “I’m glad that part is over.” I struggle to try and sit up, so My mom and dad help me from each side of the bed. I reach for the food bag and practically salivate at the aroma that comes from it, “Coffee?” I lift my brow.

“Oh yeah!” My dad goes over to the counter by the door where he set the cup down.

Meanwhile, my mom pulls a chair up to the side of my bed, “Honey, I know this is hard to talk to us about, because we are your parents, but you would tell us if you were r-raped last night, wouldn’t you?” She barely gets the word out of her mouth.

I’m just about to bite into my sandwich when she asks me that question, so I sigh, and set my food back down, “Toby came close. He was about to, but then Kaylee came up and stopped him. That’s when she started kicking me.”

“Kaylee Simpson? I thought you were friends?” my mom questions.

“We were never friends, Mom, only acquaintances, and that was two years ago.”

“But why would she assault you like that?”

Now I’m wishing that my parents were here from the beginning, so I don’t have to explain everything again, and how do I tell them that it’s all because Jace wants me and not her? This is more complicated that I thought.
