Page 48 of My Bully's Love

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After the shock from Jace’s demeanor wears off, I realize that I should probably say something back, “Well, I remember when I made you watch the movie ‘After’, and you ruined it for me by making commentaries throughout the whole movie because you were bored.”

“Oh, the movie wasn’t that bad, I just wanted to annoy you.” He chuckles.

“Really?” I give him a fake glare.

He nods his head, and grins, “Yup.”

“Huh, well then, I guess you won’t have an issue with watching the two movies that came after that one.” I grin, and wait for it.

“You mean to tell me that they went ahead and made two more movies after that one? It wasn’tthatgood.” He mumbles, realizing after his little outburst, that I tricked him into admitting that he didn’t like it.

“Yes, they did. We should have a movie marathon at my house. You know, to catch you up. I have all three on Blu-ray.”

“Of course, you do,” he rolls his eyes, “What do I get if I suffer through this marathon with you?” he quirks a brow at me.

I put my finger to my mouth and pretend to think, “Hm, let’s see…”

“Actually,” he cuts me off, “I should get to choose, since I’m the one doing all the suffering.”

“And what is it that you want in return?”

“Oh no, it’s going to be a surprise, and I’m going to want it as soon as the credits start rolling on the last movie.” He keeps his eyes on the road, but I see the evil smirk on his face, warning me that I’m either not going to like it or I’m going to like it too much.

I figure it’s best to drop the topic, so I ask where we are going instead, because we are not heading in the direction of home. When he tells me that he’s taking me for ice cream, my stomach begins to churn. I don’t know if I’m ready to face anybody yet. At least at the theater, it’s dark and nobody can really see your face, unlike the brightly lit ice cream shop. Bringing it to his attention, does no good, though. He refuses to let me hide behind closed doors.

“Ella, you need to show everybody that they didn’t break you.” He states.

“It’s not so much that; I look horrid with all these fading bruises!” My voice raises just a bit, but just enough to earn me a stern look from him.

“Watch your tone, Ella. I am taking you for ice cream, and that’s the end of it. I’m not going to let those assholes ruin my good time with my girl, and you’re not going to either,” he reaches over and grabs my hand, “This is our very first date, so let’s just enjoy it, and fuck anybody that has the nerve to stare at the beautiful woman at my side.”

I scoff, “Don’t you mean Bride of Frankenstein?”

He swerves into a parking spot really quick and throws the car in park before turning in his seat to face me, “Don’t ever talk down about yourself, Ella!”

“Oh, I forget, you’re the only one that is allowed to call me names, my bad!”

I might have taken it a bit far because he reaches over and grabs my jaw in a tight grip, “You are one hundred percent right on that account!” he glares for only a moment before his features soften, and he sighs, “Listen, I know I called you a few names in the past out of spite, but that was all before what I know now, and I’m trying to make up for it,” he glances around before his eyes land on mine once more, “But in the future I will call it like it is, when you finally give me that body of yours. You will be my little slut, not because I think you are, because you are far from being one, but I will say it because I know that once that sweet cherry of yours goes bye-bye, you’re going to let me fuck you whenever I want, and you’re going to love it…I promise you that.I will humiliate you and talk down to you while I fuck you, because I know you will get off on it, but only in the bedroom.You’re going to be a little slut for my cock, and my cock only, do you understand what I’m saying, Ella?”

Um yeah, can someone be a slut before they even lose their virginity? His words just went straight to my core, sending it into a throbbing frenzy. I never knew that you can almost come simply by listening to someone say dirty things to you. His words combined with his deep voice…oh Lord! All I can do is nod at him.

“Words, Ella.”

“Y-Yes, Jace, I understand.”

His grip loosens and he caresses the area that he was holding, “That’s my good girl. I knew you would understand.”

I’m almost ready to say screw it and let him make me a woman right here, right now, but the other part of me, the good part, is yelling at me to step away and get a hold of myself. I want to do both, but I know it can only be one or the other, so instead, I grab the door handle, “How about we get that ice cream?”

The ice cream shop is pretty busy for it being mid-January. I drop my head just before we walk in, so nobody notices my hideous face. I should have used some concealer to cover up the green and yellow areas where the bruises are fading. Jace stops us right before he opens the door and moves to stand in front of me.

Lifting my face upward, I see the furrow in his brow, “Don’t ever walk with your head lowered, Ella, especially when you’re with me. Be the confident woman that I know you can be and show everyone that nothing will keep you down,” The wind blows some of my hair into my face, so he pushes it back, behind my ear, “I am proud to have you walk beside me, now show them why that is.” Cupping the side of my head, he leans in and kisses my forehead before turning back to open the door.

I don’t know what to make of Jace anymore. I’m so used to him being my bully that I don’t know how to see him as anything other than that anymore. I used to hope and pray that the old Jace would come back to me, but instead, I got an updated model. He still has some of the old Jace in him that I see every once in a while, but then he’s also got the bully in him…or Dom as he calls it, same thing to me. I haven’t decided on whether I like this one or not. I’m leaning more toward yes, especially after tonight, but I still need time.

Walking into the shop, half the patrons look up and stare wide-eyed, but those are all kids that attend our school and I think the shock on their faces has more to do with Jace being there with me, of all people, and holding my hand as well. As we stand in line to order, I’m shocked when both Amy and Bree, my two ex-best friends, come up to us and say hi. I automatically turn and look at Jace, because I know he is the reason that they stopped hanging around me. I’m not sure why I look at him, but he gives me a nod, and I sigh in relief before turning back to my old friends.

