Page 49 of My Bully's Love

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“Look, Ella,” Bree starts, “I’m sorry about the last two years,” She glances briefly at the guy behind me, “there is no excuse for our actions, and I don’t expect you to forgive us, but we wanted to apologize all the same.”

“Yeah,” Amy cuts in, “I’m sorry, Ella. I hope that someday we can rebuild what Bree and I broke, because we miss you.”

I give them a polite smile, “Thank you, guys. I miss you too and maybe someday we can get it back, but there are a lot of things that I’m trying to work on right now. I’m not trying to push you away,” I say quickly so they don’t get the wrong idea, “but I have a lot going on right now, that deserves my full attention.” I peek back at Jace again, and he seems to be happy with what I’m saying to the girls, mainly because he knows I’m partially talking about him and I.

“We understand,” Bree embraces me in a hug, whispering, “We heard what happened and I am so sorry that they hurt you like that. I can’t believe they would do something that evil to anyone!” She steps back.

“Yeah, well, they will get what they deserve.” I state.

“I, for one, think the beating they all took wasn’t near to what they deserved!” Amy scoffs.

“So, it’s true then? All four got beat up?” It was never confirmed to me, aside from Kaylee, that the other three were the ones that got beat up too.

“Wait, you haven’t seen the pictures going around?” Amy asks, surprised.

“What pictures? I don’t get on social media much anymore.” I glance back at Jace to see how he’s handling me talking to the girls. He seems to be doing okay, but I can tell he’s got something on his mind.

Amy holds up her phone to show me some photos that an anonymous person posted. It’s a picture from when Toby, Mason, and Brandon were arrested, they must have been together when the cops came because they are all walking together, all three in handcuffs. The part that has my full attention, though, are their faces, or at least what you can make out of their faces. I gasp, because I know exactly what it felt like to get beat up like that, and just looking at their picture takes me back to that night.

“Okay, I don’t think Ella needs to be looking at that,” Jace says as he shoves Amy’s phone away with a scowl, “If you girls don’t mind, I’d like to finish my date with Ella now.”

Both Amy and Bree apologize to him and then say goodbye to me before walking out of the ice cream shop, “You didn’t have to be so mean, Jace.”

He lifts a brow, “We are on a date, Ella. This is my time with you, and I don’t want to stand here, listening to a couple of high school girls’ gossip, when I can be having a nice conversation with you.”

I smile, “I understand, but I’m just saying that you could have been a bit nicer.”

He leans in, “Are you trying to tell me what to do again, Ella?” He asks in that sexy Dom voice of his.

Closing my eyes for a brief moment, trying to contain the heat that just rose between my thighs, I open them again and gaze up at him, “I’m sorry, Jace. It’s not what I meant to do.”

He caresses my cheek, “I know, but you need to learn to think before you speak to me like that, because that kind of attitude will get you a red ass. I can’t wait until you’re completely healed, I’m going to love inflicting the pain that will be needed to see that lovely shade of red that I love so much, on your ass.”

A shiver runs through me.

“You’re wet for me, aren’t you?” He whispers in my ear just before stepping up to the counter to order.

Damn him for knowing how to get me going like this! As much as I have enjoyed our date, I can’t wait to get home, and away from him. My libido can’t take anymore of Jace Palmer tonight, but I don’t think he’s going to let me get away that easily. He’s always loved torturing me, and even though the way he delivers it is different, it’s still all the same, except this kind has me hurting for a release that will only come if he allows it.

Chapter 22



It doesn’t take a genius to know that Ella’s panties are soaked. I lost count on how many times I saw that look in her eyes every time I used my Dom voice or told her exactly what I would be doing to her. She tried changing topics numerous times, but it will always come back to the same thing as long as she continues to resist her place in my life. I’ve enjoyed my night with Ella, immensely, and plan on having many more as long as I can get her to realize that she’s mine.

Her old friends almost ruined it for us by bringing up that picture of the bastards that attacked her. I noticed her lip tremble slightly and put a stop to it immediately. I was trying to be nice when I got a hold of them to let them know that I will no longer keep them away from Ella, and they were grateful that I was allowing them to be part of her life again. When Ella looked back at me after they approached, my dick became harder than a rock. She didn’t realize it, but her actions showed me just how submissive she can be. She was asking her Dom permission to speak with people who she knew he had chased out of her life.

I allowed it because I had already told them they could approach her, but I knew that she would probably like to be able to talk to other females. As much as I want her all to myself, even I can’t be an asshole like that, and I want her to be happy. I may be possessive, but not to the extent where she can’t have any friends, depending on who they are, of course. I will always watch out for her well-being, and will not hesitate to cut people out of her life who are undeserving.

I pull into Ella’s driveway, away from prying eyes, and before she can get out, I reach over to the other side of her seat and press the button that lays her seat back. Surprisingly, she doesn’t argue with me, only stares at me while her breathing increases just a tad.

I unbutton her jeans slowly as I watch her, “Do you remember what I asked right before I ordered for us?”

“Yes…” Her breath hitches as my hand begins to slide into her panties.

“You never did answer me,” I stop my hand halfway in, “Do you care to do so now, before I find out for myself?”
