Page 54 of My Bully's Love

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“Maybe I should call dad then, he will probably have a few good stories for me.” I joke.

“Oh, I do have a question for you, though. Did you and Jace have a falling out?”

My heart stops when I hear his name. I’ve been doing pretty good not thinking about him, “Why do you ask?”

“Well, I was talking with his mom, and she knew nothing about you moving or going to college, Jace never told her."

I close my eyes and sigh, “Did you tell her where I’m at and what college I’m going to?” Please say no, please say no, please say no…

“Of course, I did honey, she’s my best friend, and I am proud to tell people that my daughter is going to Yale!”

God bless her, “It’s okay mom,”closing my eyes, I sigh and rub my forehead,“but no, I never told Jace anything.”

“What do you mean? Aren’t you dating?”

“Mom, we went on one date. I would hardly call it dating; besides, he didn’t talk to me for a week and a half before I left. I have too many other things on my mind right now.”

“You mean to tell me that you didn’t say goodbye to the person that you grew up with, who you were best friends with?”

“Well, after everything that has happened, I really didn’t want anybody knowing where I went.”

“Oh, Honey, but it’s Jace! I’m sure he’s hurt now!”

I scoff, “Yeah, I highly doubt it.”

We talk for another fifteen minutes or so before I let her go telling her that I had to get some laundry washed. After telling each other goodbye, I hang up, and start to freak out just a little bit. Maybe he decided to be done with me finally. If his mother told him, and he was upset, then he would text or call me, right? I can’t think about him anymore! I sarcastically thank my mom for letting my secret out as I grab my dirty clothes and head down to the first floor.

I wasn’t the only one with plans to wash their clothes at this time of night. When I walk into the laundry room, there is a guy, folding his laundry. He looks up and greets me with a warm smile.

“You must be the new girl on the second floor,” he holds his hand up and then snaps his fingers, “Ella, right?”

“Wow, everybody really does know your business in small towns!” I muse as I open up one of the washers and start the water.

“Although that statement is true,” he chuckles, “Reece is the one that told me about you. I’m Gabe, her…”

“Roommate…” I cut in with a smile, “It’s finally nice to meet you, Gabe.” I walk over and shake his hand.

Reece never told me that her roommate was hot, damn. When he goes back to folding his clothes, I keep side-eyeing him because he’s just that good-looking. His hair is cut close to his head, and his skin is a light creamy mocha color over a swimmer’s physique, but it’s his eyes that have me captivated; he has the prettiest eyes that I have ever seen on a guy with his skin color! They are like a light aqua blue, with a light green tint? I’m not quite sure how to describe them, but they’re pretty.

“So, are you doing anything tomorrow night, Ella?”

I pretend to think, “I’ll have to look at my planner,” I joke, “Of course not! You’re like the second friend I’ve made here in town.”

“Oh, so we’re friends now?” He smirks.

“Well, I mean…”

He cuts me off with his laugh, “I’m only messing with you, girl. Don’t be getting all flustered on me now.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just used to sticking by myself or with my younger sister.”

“Oh, well that’s nice that you at least have a sister. Only child right here.” He points to himself.

“Ooo, tough break. I can’t imagine not having my sister or younger brother around.”

“Yeah, well at least I’ve never had to fight over toys or anything,” his voice is like smooth velvet, “Anyway, Reece and I have game night every week and we invite a couple of friends over. Would you like to join us?”

“Oh, okay. That actually sounds pretty fun. What do I need to bring?”
