Page 58 of My Bully's Love

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“Don’t question me, just take your cute ass to your bathroom.” I do as he says and then just stand there, waiting to hear why he wants me in here, “Do you have any baby wipes?”

“What girl doesn’t have baby wipes?” I ask.

“Don’t be smart with me, Ella. Now, I want you to take one, and wipe off all that gunk from your face.”

“What? Why, it’s only two little things?” I’m astounded at how upset he is that I’m wearing this little bit of makeup.

“Because I don’t want you going out like that without me. You are beautiful enough as it is, you don’t need to be adding any of that shit!” He scowls.

I can’t help the smile that forms on my face. How can I argue with him when he goes and says something like that? “Okay, Jace.” Taking a makeup wipe, I scrub my eyes to make sure all the clumps are off my lashes and then take tissue paper to my lips, “There, did I get it all?” I smirk as I bat my eye.

“Don’t be a smartass, Ella, and yes, you look much better, thank you.”

Oh my God, did Jace Palmer just say thank you? “You’re welcome, Jace,” I glance at the time, “I better get going or I’m going to be late.”

“Okay, but I want you to call me when you get home. I know you’re only going to your neighbor’s but please be careful, and keep your phone on you the whole time. Oh, and don’t take a drink from a stranger.”

His warning actually make my heart skip a beat, knowing that he really does care about me enough to remind me to be careful, “ I will do all of that, Jace. I’ll talk to you later, bye.”

“Bye, Ella.”

I’m sad when his face disappears from my screen, and I sit here staring at my wallpaper for a moment, “What just happened, and who the hell was that?” I ask myself out loud.

I knock on Reece and Gabe’s door just a few minutes after seven. The sound of footsteps can be heard coming towards the door right before it opens. Reece smiles brightly when she sees who’s at the door, “Hey Ella! Gabe said that he invited you but we weren’t sure if you were coming. Come on in, I’m so happy you’re here!”

“Yeah, sorry I’m a little late. I got a last minute phone call that I needed to take.” I return her smile.

“Oh, you’re fine. We are still waiting on a few more people, so consider yourself early.” She giggles and leads me into the living room.

Their apartment is almost the exact layout as mine, how the front door opens up to a small hallway. There is a coat closet on one side and directly across from it is a utility closet. The end of the hall opens up to the living space with the kitchen to the left and living room on the right. There is a bathroom that faces the hall, with two closed doors, which I can only assume are the bedrooms. Their place is just a bit bigger than mine due to the second bedroom, but it’s pretty much a mirror of mine.

“There she is! Come on over, Ella, and I’ll introduce you to these assholes.” Gabe jokes as he points to two other guys.

“Hey, Gabe, how are you doing?” I ask politely.

“Better, now that you actually showed up,” He winks at me and then turns to his friends, “This here is Deke,” he points to the guy with dark brown hair and brown eyes, not a bad looking guy, but really not my type. Gabe then moves to the other guy, “this is Collin, he’s the brains of our threesome.” The guy Collin rolls his eyes and smiles shyly at me as he says ‘hi’. He’s got brownish-red hair, a little on the longer side, with brown eyes as well, only he has a pair of framed glasses sitting on top of the bridge of his nose.

“Nice to meet both of you,” I reach out and shake both their hands, “I’m the new girl and neighbor from the second floor.” I grin.

“So, how did you and Gabe meet?’ Deke asks.

“Oh, well, I was bringing my clothes down to be washed and he was down there going through our neighbor’s laundry and sniffing their underwear…”

Gabe cuts me off, “What the fuck, Ella? I was not…”

I lean in close to his friends and put my hand to one side of my mouth as though I was telling them a secret, “He had a pair of pink granny panties up to his nose,” I straighten back up, “Creepiest thing I’ve ever seen, I tell ya.”

Both Deke and Collin burst out laughing as they point to Gabe, who is looking a bit flushed but is grinning from ear-to-ear at me, “Paybacks are a bitch, Ella.”

I can’t hold my laugh in any longer, so I let it burst out of me as I take a seat in an arm chair, “Seriously, though, we did meet in the laundry room, but he was folding his own laundry. At least I think it was his.” I shrug with a smile.

“Ha, ha, ha!” Gabe throws a decorative pillow at my face.

“I really like this one, Gabe!” Deke expresses as he continues to chuckle.

Reece comes in with some snack foods and places them on the coffee table before perching herself on the arm of my chair, “Hands off, Deke! That goes for all of you, as she points to the three guys. At first I’m thinking she’s talking about the snacks, but then she continues, “Ella is off limits! She’s here to concentrate on school, not guys!”

Oh! What brought this little speech on? We are just laughing and having a good time, but as if she could read my mind, she glances down at me, “I’ve known these assholes for far too long, and I can tell that each one of them has already undressed you, fucked you, and sent you on your way, in their heads already.” She lifts her brows at me telling me to believe her.
