Page 59 of My Bully's Love

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I feel my face go red as I look at each one of their annoyed expressions, telling me that Reece nailed it right on the head, “Well,” I clear my throat, “I hope they at least had a good time and that I didn’t disappoint, because that’s all they’re going to get from me.” I give them each a smug smile as Reece falls to the floor, laughing.

“Hell, yes! In your face, guys!” Reece rubs it into the guys before looking at me, “I think we are going to be the best of friends, Ella!”

Reece is the exact opposite of me. Where I’m dark hair and blue eyes, she is blonde hair and brown eyes. I’m five foot and three inches tall with an average body build, Reece is five foot and five inches tall and curvy in all the right places. She is very outgoing and loud, where I’m more of an introvert and usually quiet, but this last trait could be due to the last couple of years. I surprised myself tonight, being outgoing and joking around like I was just a little bit ago, but I feel really comfortable here. I think being friends with Reece is going to do me a lot of good. I’m already off to a great start being away from home and all the drama that tends to follow me around while I’m there.

As I unlock my front door, I’m thinking about how much fun game night has been, and I know that Reece and Gabe usually host it every week, but I offered to have it at my place every once in a while if they want a break. Their other friends are not able to host it, and so I thought it was only fair that I offer, because I want this to become part of my weekly routine. I want different, I want new, I want anything that is not going to remind me of back home; except I still want Jace as well, and that makes no sense at all.

Walking into my dark apartment, I flip the switch, turning the hall light on. I lock my door and then lean against, listening to the silence that greets me. It’s the only thing that makes me sad in this new place; being alone. I’m a little jealous that Reece has someone to keep her company, but I don’t think I want a roommate only because I don’t want to live with a stranger. According to Reece, her and Gabe went to high school together and have been friends since the ninth grade. It only made sense that they would room together since neither one wanted to live by themselves.

Their relationship makes me think of mine and Jace’s, before he became my bully. I miss that connection with him, and no matter how hard we work at it, I don’t think we will ever get it back. We are too different now. When I think about it though, maybe this is what was meant to happen, maybe not as cruel as he made it, but what if we were supposed to go in different directions for a while in order to come together as a couple? Being best friends with him, I never thought about him romantically, not like he did me. It wasn’t until he started bullying me that my crush formed, as well, as the darker desires that creep up on me.

It’s obvious that I’m still attractive to him, and when I look at other guys, they don’t hold a candle to Jace, even if I do find them attractive. I don’t want to date anybody, not until Jace and I figure us out first, I don’t know how we can do that, when my brain won’t allow me to let my body take over. Just thinking about Jace ordering me to get down on my knees, or strip, makes me all tingly. The things I know that he will do to me makes me want to submit, so why do I run whenever he gets so close to doing just that?

Thinking about Jace, I’m reminded that I’m supposed to call him back. Glancing at the clock, it’s already after midnight, but I know that doesn’t matter. Even if he’s sleeping, if he wakes up in the morning and there isn’t a missed call from me, I’ll be in hot water. It doesn’t really matter since I’m here and he’s there, but knowing that I’m disobeying and that would earn me a punishment, will have me so hot, and he still hasn’t given me permission to give myself a release, so it will be torture. Why don’t I just do it anyway, because it’s not like he will know? I will know. He gave me an order, and I know it’s fucked up, but I have to obey it. Like my body will not allow me to go against him. That is why I believe that we are really meant to be together. Why else would we have this kind of a connection?

I dial his number and hit send, but I don’t need to wait long at all because he answers after just one ring, “Good girl.”

I silently whimper at those two words, “Hi Jace…”

“How was your night, Ella?”

“It was good, I had fun, and even made new friends.” He remains silent for a moment, “Jace?”


“Nothing, I just thought you hung up.”

“No, I’m here, but I want to see you, so I’m going to hang up and then facetime you.”

“Oh, okay.” I just finished responding when he disconnected the call. The notification for facetime buzzes and I answer right away, “Hey…” I smile when I see his gorgeous green eyes.

“Much better,” He looks me up and down, well as much of me he can see, anyway, “Always facetime me, Ella. I love your voice, but I need to see you when I talk to you, understand?”

“Yes, Jace.”

“You haven’t gotten ready for bed yet, why not?” he asks.

“Because you told me to call you when I got home.”

He smirks, “It makes me happy that you’re learning. Now, I want you to get ready for bed.”

I scrunch my brows together, “You don’t want to talk to me?”

“Yes, Ella, I do. I didn’t say anything about hanging up. I want you to get ready as you continue talking to me.”

“Oh, I see.” I’m not sure how he wants me to proceed, so I just carry my phone with me everywhere I go. When I get to my bedroom, he tells me to stop.

“Find a place to prop your phone up so I get a good view of everything. I want to watch you undress for me, baby.”

I gasp, not out of being shy, but because I just felt myself drip into my panties. I bite my lip and then set my phone up on top of my dresser. It’s got the best view from there.

“What’s the matter, Ella?” Jace has a knowing smirk across his face.

“Nothing. Um, you want me to back up or, how exactly do you want me to do this?” I’ve never done this before in my life, and I’m nervous as hell to be doing it now, but Jace has seen all of me before, and it’s not like I’m ashamed of my body or anything.

“Step back until I tell you to stop. When I do, I want you to strip down for me.”

An idea comes to me, and I decide to try and be a little bold. I don’t know if it will upset him, but I’m going to try and negotiate with my big, bad bully. I bite my lip and try to look somewhat innocent and sexy at the same time.
