Page 67 of My Bully's Love

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“You apparently didn't get the memo about you being sent here to learn discipline.” I drawl. When she opens her mouth to speak, I hold my hand up, “I don't want to hear another word cone out of your mouth. You are too remain silent until our session is up.”

She rolls her eyes at me, so I reach out to help her stand and then walk her over to the spanking bench. Bending her over, I order her to stay in that position as I go and retrieve the narrow wooden paddle that's going to leave a nice sting.

“You will receive twenty for being disrespectful while I was on the phone and then another ten for rolling your eyes at me. There is no need to count because quite frankly, I'm annoyed at your voice and don't want to hear anymore.” In get in position and begin the brat's punishment. Half-way through I check on her to see how she is doing. I walk around the bench and bend over, lifting her face. It's soaked with tears as she glares at me. Smirking, I go back to my position behind her, and since she hasn't used her safe word, I confine with the rest of the punishment.

By the time I'm done, she's dripping between the legs, but she doesn't get a release tonight. I’ll have to make sure her Dom knows not to give her one as well. Once I've applied soothing cream to her red ass and remove her bindings, I pick her up and carry her to the couch in the corner, and set her down. Grabbing snacks and a water, I sit beside her, hugging her body close to me. I make her eat and drink as I explain why her punishment took place and why she needs to learn to do better.

Once I'm done with her after, I know her Dom is waiting for her outside this room, so I leave her to go talk to him before he takes her home.

“Be a good girl while I go talk to your Daddy and maybe your will pleasure you come morning, but no touching yourself in e meantime, okay?”

“Yes, Master Jace.” She refuses to look at me because she's pissed, but that's okay, I'm ready to get her out of here. I've never been so annoyed with a sub before.

I leave her for just a few minutes while her Dom and I talk. I explain why it's crucial that he does not spoil her tonight by letting her come, but as long as she is good, he can pleasure her on the morning, if he feels up to it. When we are done discussing her session, we both go back inside. She looks startled but then confess running to her Daddy Dom, smiling.

I let out a heavy sigh once they leave and begin cleaning up the room. Remembering to grab my phone, I scratch it up off the table by the couch and then head out. Looking through my notifications as I walk to my keep, I see that, as always, there are none, not from the only person that matters anyway.

I've been keeping myself busy, trying to keep my mind off of a certain dark-haired, blue-eyed girl. I go to school and then straight to the training facility. I've become one of the favorite trainers for the submissives, or so I've been told by Jude, but it's all just to keep me occupied from going insane. The day is here, though, my girl is coming home and I will be able to lay my eyes on her once again.

I watch her family stuff large signs in the back hatch and then pile into their SUV and head to the airport. She does not like attention being on her, so she will be embarrassed for sure. I wish I could be there, but I've got my own welcome home greeting for her, and it doesn't involve anybody else being around.

When enough time goes by, I sneak next door and climb the tree outside of Ella's bedroom window. Lucky for me, it's still unlocked, but then I frown, thinking I had better make sure Ella knows to lock it after I leave. Climbing through the window, I glance around the familiar room. It still smells like her, reminding me how much I want to have her in my arms, grabbing the hair at the battle of her neck, and pulling back enough for me to expose the area of her neck that I know she applies her perfume to, so I can run my nose over it. Inhaling her intoxicating scent always makes my dick hard.

Shaking myself out of the trance I put myself in, I walk around her room, looking at all the pictures that she still has up in frames of the two of us as kids. I come across one that is a more recent one, though. Studying it, I realize that it was the night that I took her out on our date. She somehow got a picture of me smiling. I'm not sure what I was smiling at our why, but she managed to capture it and then frame it. I’ll have to remember top get a recent one of her for myself as well.

Once I get my fill of memory lane, I settle down into the comfy armchair in the corner of her room behind the door. I'm not sure how long it will be before they are home but I sit back and pull out my phone to scroll social media. I haven't really been present for any of the recent school functions lately, because I just feel as though I've outgrown everything that has to do with high school. I wouldn't even go if I didn't need my diploma. I should have graduated last year, but my mother had decided to hold me back in my elementary years, so here I am now, about to turn nineteen and still a senior in high school.

Car doors slam closed, telling me that the Baxter's are home. For some reason, I feel nervous. What if Ella doesn't want to see me? It’s been so long and she never got in touch with me, telling me that she want ready. Will me being here upset her?

Just when I'm about to leave back through the window, I hear footsteps on coming up the stairs, so I sit back. It's too late to escape, so I do the only thing I can think of…slip into my Dom mode and wait for her to enter.

The door opens and the light turns on. Ella then shuts her door, and I can't take my eyes off her form. She seems a little skinnier, but I could be wrong. Actually, she looks pretty perfect from the backside, especially that ass. I watch it as she walks to her closet with her luggage by them decides to leave it there by the closet door. When she turns, she halls when she notices me in the corner.

“Hello Ella, it’s nice to see that you are still alive.”


“Did you miss me?”

She's staring at me like a dear in headlights as she nods her head. She's as beauty as I remember, and I find myself slowly getting up out of the chair and walking towards her.

“Use your words, Ella.”

“Yes, Jace. I've missed you.” Her head tilts up as I stop right in front of her.

If she's being truthful, she will have to convince me, because all these weeks of silence, proves otherwise.

“Prove it, Ella.”

Taking me by complete surprise, she steps closer and lifts herself onto her toes before pressing her lips to mines. I don't move yet, not wanting to assume anything until I know for sure. The kiss doesn't last long, but I miss the warmth and gel of jet soft lips as soon as she pulls back.

“I really have missed you, Jace. Can you please kiss me or are you going to make me beg?”

Now those words are music to my ears, but I don't have time to play with her. Grabbing her waist with one hand, my other one takes hold of the back of her head, gripping the silky tresses as I pull her too me. My mouth crashes against hers, demanding entrance with my tongue, which she is quick to obey. Her moan against my mouth has my cock begging to break free from the restraint of my jeans.

Holding her tight, I continue to plunder her mouth as I slowly walk her backwards until her back is against the wall. Her leg automatically lifts and hooks my hip, so I let go of her hair and grab her ass, lifting her up. She wraps her legs around my waist, her core rubbing against my front and causing me to harden all the way.

My mouth breaks away from hers and I make my way across her cheek and jaw line before exploring her neck. She throws her head back, giving me better access as she grips my hair. I grind my hips into hers, so she knows exactly what she's doing to me.
