Page 66 of My Bully's Love

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I ruffle his hair, “Yes, even you, little monster!”

I’m suddenly squeezed tightly from behind and know that it’s Elise, “Can you let me go, so I can give you a proper hug?”

“Nope, this is fine.” She says, laying her head against my back. I grab hold of her hands and squeeze them.

When she finally lets go, I give her a quick hug before letting my mom wrap me in her arms, and kissing me on the cheek, “Welcome home, sweetie.”

I hug her back, “It’s good to be home again.”

Last, but not least, my father pulls me from my mom’s embrace, earning him a glare from mom, and lifts me up as he hugs me, himself, “My baby looks like she’s grown since she’s been away!”

“You baby, hasn’t grown that much, and she’s right here, so you don’t have to talk in the third person, dad.” I giggle.

He sets me down on my feet and takes my head in his hands, and scanning over my face, “Still as beautiful as ever!” He leans in and kisses my forehead, “I bet the guys are beating each other up over there, trying to take you out.”

This is his way of asking if I have a boyfriend yet, “Dad, I’m not there to date, and no, nobody is fighting over me.” I giggle.

“I bet Jace will be happy to hear that.” My mom muses.

I roll my eyes, “I doubt it. He probably has a girlfriend and that’s why he never responded back to my text.”

We are heading to the luggage claim when my mother stops walking, her forehead creased, “When did you text Jace?”

“The night that dad called me to tell me about the Defense asking for probation.” I answer.

“Hm, that’s weird, because he stopped by the other day with a piece of our mail that went to their address and we got to talking. He said that he hadn’t heard from you since the beginning of February.”

“Well, he’s lying because my text went through and it said that it was seen, so…” Now I’m just annoyed that he’s lying to my mom.

“I know nothing about that then, but I’m pretty sure he isn’t seeing anyone. His mom said that all he does is go to school and work, and then comes home and mopes around the house, that’s it. Oh, I guess he started learning how to cook more as well. His mom said that he’s always making these new dishes for them to try out.” She chuckles, but I’m not really paying any more attention to her words.

I’m utterly confused as to what is going on now. I guess my only option is to talk to Jace and see what the heck is going on. I mean, maybe he was busy when my text came through, and then forgot all about it, but then again, I can’t see his mom’s store beingthatbusy.

It doesn’t take long to see my luggage, and my dad scoops it up as it gets to us. We make our way through the crowded airport, and then to the parking garage. Me and my siblings sit in the third row seat of my parent’s SUV, me in the middle, so I can be by both of them. I lift my arms up and over their shoulders as they lean their heads against me, and this is how we remain until we pull into our driveway.

Stepping through the door to our home, causes many things to come flooding back, all of them good, and I smile. Exhaustion takes over, even though I slept the whole flight. I tell my parents that I’m going to go rest for a bit, and my mom informs me that supper will be in two hours, and that she will come wake me when it’s done. I kiss her cheek and thank her before turning toward the stairs.

I open the door to my bedroom, peering in at the familiarity of it all. The blinds are closed and so it’s a bit dark in my room. I flip the switch and go in, closing the door behind me. I roll my luggage over to me closet, I’m too tired to unpack at the moment, so I leave it sitting by the closet door. I turn to head to my ensuite, and grab my chest at the startling sight in front of me.

“Hello Ella, it’s nice to see that you are still alive.”

Chapter 28

She's Home


When Ethan had called to tell me that the court date had moved up and is now in two weeks, I couldn't help the skipping beat of my heart. That means I’ll be seeingherthat much sooner. I've missed Ella, but I told her that I would give her time & that the ball was in her court. I didn't think it would take this long, but here I am, still waiting. I’m a sucker for that girl, though, and will wait as long as I need to.

Ethan had caught me in the middle of a training session, and normally, I wouldn't have answered or even looked at my phone when it buzzed, but the sub I’m working with is a brat, and is hard to control, which is why her Daddy Dom sent her to us. I needed a break before I strangled her. I'm usually very patient, but this one is just too much. She's going to need a stronger hand; I may have to send her to Jude.

I ask Ethan about Ella, wanting to make sure that she's still okay and doing well, but then I have to cup my phone because the brat is mimicking everything coming from my mouth. I hold the ball gag that she despises, up, and she shuts right up. I’m able to catch the last of what Ethan is saying and what I can make of it, Ella is still good. I ask if he knows when she flies in and his response is even better than hearing about the court date. She'll be here in about a week and a half!

Hanging up with Ethan, I spin around to face the bratty woman who is on her knees, chest and arms bound in front of her, smirking at me.

“You are one of the richest breasts that I have ever met!” I set my phone back down and walk over to stand right in front of her, “Why are you even in the relationship that you're in if you're not going to listen to anything your Daddy Dom says. I understand you're a brat, but you're acting more like a bitch.”

She huffs, “Well, my Daddy loves me the way I am!”
