Page 70 of My Bully's Love

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By the time I get downstairs, everyone is almost done already, “I’m sorry, I needed to shower.”

“Oh, that’s alright, sweetie. I’m sure you were feeling a bit dirty after the day you had.” My mom smiles, but I cough because she doesn’t realize just how true her words are, “Are you okay, baby? Take a drink of water.” She instructs, and so I grab my glass that’s in front of me and guzzle it down. When I glance back t her, she’s smirking. Oh my God, does she know? Did she hear me? I can’t look at my mom anymore, so I concentrate on the meatloaf and cheesy potatoes on my plate.

“Does Jace know you’re back yet?” My dad asks, and I shrug while shoveling more food into my mouth.

“Oh, Ethan, Ella just got back and then napped, I’m sure she hasn’t had time to talk to him.” My mom chuckles, and I know right then that she knows something, but I’m not about to ask.

“Hey, you know kids these days, Elaine, they are always glued to their phones. You never know if she texted him as soon as she got to her room.” My dad winks at me as he takes a drink of his water.

“They aren’t kids anymore, Ethan. They are adults,” mom smirks over at me briefly before turning her attention back to dad, “You need to stop insulting them.”

“It’s okay, mom, really.” I say, only because if I don’t say anything then others will get suspicious that something is up.

“No, sweetie. You are eighteen and Jace is almost nineteen, your father should see you as adults now.” She finishes the food on her plate and then sits back to drink the rest of her wine.

I just continue to eat and try to ignore the pounding inside my chest that my mom has caused. I can’t believe she heard us, or me, or whoever…it doesn’t matter. The point is, she now knows something is up, and I’m sure that I will be getting twenty questions as soon as she gets me alone.

“I don’t want to think of my little girl as an eighteen-year-old.” My father pouts.

“What’s wrong with seeing her as such?” My mom asks, chuckling.

My dad stands up to take his plate to the sink and stops to grab my mom’s empty plate as well, “Because I know exactly what you were doing with me when you were eighteen.” He kisses the top of my mom’s head and laughs when she swats him.

“Watch your mouth in front of the kids, Ethan!”

My siblings and I roll our eyes at each other because we are used to seeing them like this. Just like how he grabs her when she least expects it, and plants one on her. All I can do is smile, because I see the love that they have for each other. Will I have that with Jace? It’s kind of hard to see him playing with me like my dad does my mom, but then again, what we have between us isn’t something that a lot of people see. It’s taboo, and I think that is why I’ve been denying it for so long, but I’m tired of conforming to the rest of the world just because they don’t understand. I still don’t, but I’m wanting to learn more, I’m wanting to know more about what my sexual desires mean.

My phone buzzes a little after eleven in the morning with a text from Jace.

JP: Hey gorgeous, I’ll be by about noon to pick you up.

‘Holy crap, I forgot all about lunch!’ I cry out as I lay on my bed reading a romance novel on my phone. I’m not even looking pretty at the moment! I fumble with my phone, trying to text him back.

ME: Okay, sounds good! See you soon =)

I toss my phone aside and run to my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. It’s a good thing that I don’t really wear makeup, because I would not have time to do everything. I quickly pull my hair up into a super cute messy bun and then throw on a bit of mascara and a nude lip gloss. Next, I rummage through my clothes, finding a pair of blue, ripped skinny jeans and my favorite off-the-shoulder beige top, pairing my outfit with tan ankle boots. I throw in some gold hoops and grab my crossover purse before heading downstairs. I can hear my mom moving around in the kitchen, so I stay close to the front door, praying that she doesn’t come out before Jace gets here.

Unfortunately, I’m not so lucky, as she comes walking into the living room and catches me looking out the window, “Are you going somewhere?”

I jump and spin around with my hand on my chest, “Geesh, mom!” I chuckle before answering, “Yes, I’m going to lunch with a friend.”

Her brow raises as she crosses her arms, and smirks, “This friend wouldn’t happen to live next door and drive a jeep, would they?”

Sighing, there’s no reason to hide it from her now, “Yes mom, it’s Jace,” I glance out the window, “Just don’t make a big deal about it, please.”

She holds her hands in the air, “Hey, I’m not making a big deal,” she turns and heads back to the kitchen, but then sticks her head out, “Hope you’re being safe!” I can hear her giggle as she disappears completely.

I face palm myself, because my mom just literally called me out; just great! There is a honk from the driveway, and I quickly leave the house, not being able to get to the jeep fast enough. I jump into the passenger seat, and before I can do anything, my face is grabbed, and a mouth slams against mine, demanding entrance. Of course, I oblige because Jace is the greatest kisser, not that I’ve had much experience, but still.

“Mm, what was that for?” I ask as he pulls away, forgetting the incident with my mom all together.

He shrugs, “Just because,” His eyes skim over me, “Seatbelt, Ella.”

I quickly pull the strap over my chest and click it in before leaning back and rolling my head to the side, so I can see him, “So, where are we going?”

“What are you wanting to eat?” He asks.

“It doesn’t matter to me, what are you in the mood for?”
