Page 71 of My Bully's Love

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He grins and looks me up and down, “Do you really have to ask?”

I slap his arm and gasp, “Jace! You are horrible; you know I meant food!”

“Well, specify more next time.” He puts the jeep in reverse and pulls out of my drive. As soon as he changes the gear to drive, he picks up my hand and places it on his thigh, holding it there, “Do you still like that burger place that we always used to go to?”

“Oh, you mean Fred’s Diner? I haven’t been there in years, but yes, I’m pretty sure I still like them.” Memories come flooding back with all the times that we would go to the burger place, just to hang out and eat. I love their Mushroom and Swiss burger with fries and a chocolate shake. Damn, my stomach growls loudly, just from me thinking about it.

“It’s a good thing that I picked you up when I did.” Jace jokes, and looks me up and down once more, “You’re looking good today, Ella. Did you do that for me?”

“I just sort of threw it on, but I did think of you most of the morning, so maybe it influenced the way I dressed.” I smile shyly. Why is it so hard to tell him things without blushing?

“You’re cute when you blush like that, but you don’t need to be embarrassed to tell me things, Ella,” He lifts my hand and kisses my fingers, “Never be embarrassed around me.”

“I’m trying, Jace.” I smile at him.

Jace keeps his eyes on the road for the most part but his thumb tracing circles on the palm of my hand is having the same effect on me as if he were staring deeply at me with his bright green eyes. Tingles form and every so often I have to squeeze my thighs together. My head is still pressed against the head rest as I turn to glance at him and see that his eyes are on my lower extremities as he smirks. He knows what his touch does to me, and I don’t know if I like it. The power he has when it comes to my desires is scary and yet fascinating to me. That’s why I’ve decided to jump into this…whatever it is that Jace and I have, because even though I want to face this fear I have of what others may think, I also want to discover just how deep my desires go, and Jace seems to know more about my own desires than I do.

“What are you thinking, Ella?” Jace’s deep voice comes out.

I lick my lips, “Nothing really, just us…and this,” I hold up our hands, “It’s so surreal to me. I mean, you were my best friend for years, then you were my bully, and now…”

“What, Ella…what am I now?”

“I’m not quite sure; why don’t you tell me.” I give him a small smile.

“I’m yours, Ella. That’s what I am, just as much as you are mine,” he pauses as he parks his jeep in a parking spot at Fred’s Diner before turning back to me, “It was always supposed to be us, we just went about getting here a different way,” He chuckles sadly, “I’m sorry that I had to cause you pain in order for us to get where we are now, but we are going to move on from that. No more bringing up that part of our lives.”

Squeezing his hand, I stare into his eyes, “It was that part of our lives that got me to open my eyes and see you in a different way. Maybe we were supposed to go through all that, so I could find my way,” I think back to the first time I had felt feelings towards him. It was the first time he shoved me against a locker and then put his face real close to mine and told me that I was not to speak to him unless he gave me permission. It was the first time I saw how green his eyes really were, the first time that his scent got to me, and the first time that I felt tingles below for Jace Palmer, “I never thought of you as more than a friend before that. It took me until the first time you shoved me against that locker to not only open my eyes to you, but also to the desires I have deep inside.”

“And what desires are those exactly?” He asks.

“I’m not exactly sure, but I’m pretty sure that you do…” My sentence ends in a whisper as my heart begins to race, and goosebumps form on my skin.

Jace leans over the center as he caresses my cheek, “I have a pretty good idea, Ella. I see it in your eyes every time I command you to do something. I can almost smell your arousal each time I use my Dom voice with you. You are a natural submissive, Ella, and I want to show you your full potential. I have a deep-seeded need to be the one to dominate you, to give you everything that your body calls out for, and then some. Are you truly ready for this, Ella?”

I turn my face into his palm and place a kiss on it as I nod, “Yeah, I think so, I hope so.”

He suddenly gets a shit-eating-grin on his face, “You’re wet right now, aren’t you?”

“Jace,” I gasp, but then accidentally roll my eyes before unbuckling my seat belt.

He’s quick to grab both my hands and pin them above my head with one of his, “Was that an eyeroll that I just saw?” He cocks a brow at me.

“I-I don’t know, did I?” I ask sheepishly.

“Ella, you know what happens when you roll your eyes at me,” My breath catches as he brings his face in close before leaning into my neck and breathing in my scent, “God, woman, you drive me crazy!”

“I’m sorry, Jace, I didn’t mean to roll my eyes, I swear.” I’m breathless as I feel his hot breath caress my neck.

“It’s too late, Ella. You know I need to punish you now,” He yanks at the button of my jeans and opens them before pulling the zipper down with his free hand, snaking his hand down into the front of my jeans and then panties, “Mm, so wet.” He plunges a finger into me and thrusts a few times before adding another one, “I’m going to get you so worked up, and as soon as you’re about to come, I’m going to pull my sopping wet fingers out and lick every last drop of you off of each finger. You’re not going to come, Ella, that’s your punishment this time. It will be worse next time, remember that.”

I whimper as my hips begin to move with his hand. He fucks me hard and fast with his two fingers but is careful not to go in too deep. That’s where I want him, though, so deep inside me that I can’t tell where I end, and he begins.

“God, Jace…”

“Does that feel good, Ella?”

“Yes…” I pant.
