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My sweet James,

I pause.

Why is my mother writing to my uncle? I glance at the date. April 2, 1988. Then I continue to read.

I meant to talk to you, but you seemed preoccupied at the time.

All I can do is think about you. The night we made love, it completely blew me away. I hope we can talk about it soon. I didn’t mean to overstep my boundaries and I didn’t want to get in between you and your brother, but I can’t take this anymore. Being with Tommy is so bland and dry, and the love is slowly disappearing from our marriage. I don’t know what to do. All he does is come home and go straight to his office and dive into his work without sparing me a single glance.

I’m so consumed with you. I love you so much. I wish things could be different.

I wish my marriage was arranged with you instead of him. I know in my heart that Tommy is grieving the death of your parents, and I feel horrible for not being there for him.

Meet me near the oak tree by the lake behind my house. Tommy will be gone tonight for a business meeting.



I fold the paper up as shock overtakes me. My mother was having an affair with my uncle? I knew that my mother had an affair, but I never knew with whom, Tommy wouldn’t say. That would explain why my uncle and dad never got along. I can’t believe what I just read, that… my mother would betray my father this way.

I read several more letters, and there are so many of Uncle James and my mother trying not to get caught. Details of them fucking—I skip right over those and how much they are in love. If Tommy found out they were together, he would have destroyed them.

I pick up another letter, this one dated April 26, 1991.

I spoke to Tommy, and he knows. He knows everything about us. We got into a heated argument and when I revealed to him that Jasper wasn’t his, he slapped me across the face. I’m packing my bags tonight. I’m leaving him for good. For you.



What the fuck? I continue to read the next letter.April 28th, 1991.


Tommy wouldn’t let me leave. I tried everything and he told me we’re going to be a family no matter what. That if I tried to leave, he would air out our relationship and take away my sweet Jasper and paint me as an abusive parent. I can’t allow him to do that, I love Jasper too much.

Tommy cares so much about his image. He wants to make things work even though I don’t want to. He says he won’t give me a divorce.

I’m so sorry, James.

He’s taking me and moving me to New York City, to start over and get away from you. He told me that if I ever contact you again, he will take Jasper away from me. He has a lot of power, and some of his friends are lawyers and judges.

So this is goodbye.



I take deep breaths and try to process everything I’ve just read. My father was holding this affair over my mother’s head… And my mother was having an affair with my uncle… Well, he’s not my uncle; James is my dad and my father is my uncle.


It makes a lot of sense now. Why Tommy and Uncle James never got alone. Why he shipped me off to boarding school when Mom died. He couldn’t look at me, as I was a reminder of the mistake the woman he fell in love with made. I feel bad for Tommy. Just a little bit. I guess he and I have something in common. When I found out Harper wasn’t mine, it ate me up inside. The only difference is, I didn’t take it out on her. I was willing to be her father because her biological father didn’t want anything to do with her; he was a junkie, just like Gemma.

He hated my mother because of her betrayal.

Rage fills me up like a bucket of water, and I wanted to go apeshit and tear this office to shreds, but I can’t so I get up from my desk and head to the minibar in my office, pouring myself a glass of bourbon and watching clouds hover over the sun.
