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For the last few weeks, Jasper threw himself into work, then has come home and fucked me. I think he’s slowly dealing with finding out that his uncle is his biological father. I just hope he ends up confronting Tommy because he needs closure. But then again, people know how to deal with their own traumas. I can’t tell him how to do it, nor can I fix it for him, though I wish I could make the pain go away.

The sun beams through the curtains and I wrap my blanket around myself as Jasper slides one leg into his pants, then the other. It’s a Saturday, but it seems like he’s in a rush to go somewhere.

“Where are you going?” I sit up, admiring his hard muscles through his shirt. This man is made of pure steel.

We just got done having sex and I’m a little sore. I figured we could do something fun, something that keeps his mind off his uncle. Something that will keep his mind occupied besides sex and work.

“In my office to work.”

I feel the tension radiating from his body, suffocating me. He won’t look at me, but that’s okay. He’s been trying to avoid his emotions.

“Let’s go to Coney Island. You work all the time, and you need a day off, you know?”

He studies me head to toe, and when he lightly falls on top of me, I giggle, trying to push him off of me.

“Or I can fuck you until you’re sore again.” He nuzzles my neck and leaves trails of wet kisses on my shoulder.

“Stop using sex to distract yourself from the pain. It’ll only make you feel good for a hot minute, then you’ll go back to feeling like crap. Trust me, I know.”

His eyes search mine for a bit. “Okay, we’ll go.”

I hadn’t expected him to agree, I was expecting him to put up a fight, but I was wrong.

My cheeks flush and my heart thunders in my chest.

I slip out of bed, wash my face, and brush my teeth in the master bathroom. Jasper watches me as I put on a light sweater and leggings. Sometimes, he makes me nervous—and not in a bad way.

“What?” I grab a towel and wipe my face.

“You’re beautiful. I like watching you.”

I toss the towel at him. “Creep.”

He picks me up and sits me on the marble counter.

“Give me a quickie, I need to be inside you.”

I smile. “Okay.”

We make it to Coney Island in no time, and the place is packed like sardines in a can. Jasper pays for our tickets, and holds my hand the entire time, keeping me close to him.

The air is thick and crisp. The sky is crystal clear, and I can smell the salt from the ocean. I stop and scan the park rides, tapping my fingers on my chin.

“What roller coaster do you want to ride?” I ask Jasper, my teeth chattering from the cold breeze.

He takes off his sweater and hands it to me, I pull it over my head, on top of my own, and it reaches my knees. “Thanks.”

It smells like him. Woodsy with a mix of his soap. I love it.

“This… this place reminds me so much of my mom,” he says, his tone low. Pain flares in his eyes, and he stops walking, assessing the theme park. “Some things have changed since I’ve been here with her, though.”

I stroke his back. “Do you want to leave?”

He shakes his head. “I’m so angry at her, and James too. I still haven’t found out why my mother kept it all from me. He was my father and he thought it was a good idea for me not to know. Now he’s gone, I can’t get the answers I want.”

His words weigh like a ton of bricks, and he exhales as if he is exhausted.

I feel bad for Jasper, knowing he won’t get the answers he needs, which makes the situation ten times worse.
