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He lets Jayden down and kisses her on the cheek, then she runs out of the room to play with Lake’s son, Asher.

I have something I want to discuss with Jasper, but the words die the minute he comes up to me and kisses me, sliding his hands into my kinky curls. I started embracing my natural curls instead of relaxing my hair. He loves that better than my straight hair. Jasper pulls back and sits in my chair before yanking me into his lap.

“How was work?” I ask.

“It was good. I missed you at lunch, and I was really hoping for a quickie.”

Sometimes we don’t have as much sex as we want because of the demands of our jobs and being a parent, but the love we share never goes away. He still reminds me every day how much he loves me. Every Friday night he schedules our date nights, and he kept to his word and spent the last four years making up for how he treated me at the start of our marriage. Just last week, he updated my Ranger Rover, and he keeps dropping hints about wanting another child. I never knew how much he enjoyed fatherhood until I saw how he was the day Jayden was born. He took over the night shifts when she was a baby and he taught her how to walk. He takes her to her piano lessons, does teatime with her, and he looks adorable wearing a tutu for her when they play together.

My cold-hearted husband has softened up a lot over the last few years and I love him for it. He’s been happier than I have ever seen him. He’s a wonderful man, and I’m glad he chose me as his wife.

“I have some exciting news to deliver,” he starts. “Lacey is flying back home with Blue, so you need to invite Terry and Sophia and your mother over.”

Terry and Sophia are now engaged; he proposed to her last year, and I have never seen my sister so happy. Sophia finally got her happy ending, and now she walks around with a light in her eyes she never had with Tate. Unfortunately, my mother’s marriage to my stepfather is over and she divorced him a year after he left rehab. Even though he went to rehab, he couldn’t shake his addiction, and last year he passed away from a heart attack. My mother cried bucket loads of tears. I know deep down she loved him. Sometimes, she stares off into space and doesn’t interact with people much. She tells me all the time that me, my siblings, and her grandkids keep her going and that without us, she would be lost. We have grown closer over the years and she has been a good mother since we made up. I hope she doesn’t let her choices define her, because we have all fallen short at some point in our lives and we all need a little grace.

“Oh yeah?” I wrap my arms around his shoulders. “Why are we having a get-together?”

I’m not in the mood to have company over, feeling too exhausted with it being the end of the day.

“Because Lacey is still dealing with Tommy’s death. It hit her hard. She called me in the middle of the day in tears.”

Tommy hung himself in his cell with a sheet wrapped around his neck. We suspect he couldn’t handle his image being tainted, going from the golden family man to the world’s most hated man. Netflix and Hulu even did a documentary on it. As for Katie’s punishment, she will continue to rot in jail. She tried to get parole, but Jasper’s legal team has been relentless with her lawyers, preventing her from getting it.

“You are a wonderful man, and I love you for it.”

“I wouldn’t be wonderful without you. I never did thank you for thawing my cold heart and showing me what love is. I’d never have been the man I am if it weren’t for you and our kids.”

“Our kids? You mean kid? We only have one, Jasper.”

He drops a kiss on my forehead. “I meant two. We’re having a baby soon.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Dr. Luke called me about your annual blood work. He told me you were pregnant.”

My heart freezes in my chest and pure joy rushes through my veins, tears instantly leaking down my cheeks.

“I’m sorry?” Jasper says, frowning.

“Shut up, you fool. I’m crying because I’m happy. You’ve given me everything I want and I can’t be happier. You made me face what was going on with me. I love you so much, Jasper.”

“I love you too and you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I couldn’t have picked a better wife.”

I nod. Jasper tells me to stand up and once I do, he turns me around, kissing the side of the neck. Before I know it, he’s sliding inside me, fucking me hard against the desk until I orgasm, coming inside me soon after.

I couldn’t be happier than I already am, living the life I dreamed of, waking up to this wonderful man every day.

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