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I don’t condone hitting women, but if she finishes that last sentence I will go to the media and tell them all about her past. Tommy made sure to have those records concealed, but I have evidence should I need to use it.

I point to the door. “Get the fuck out of my office or I’ll have you thrown out.”

She examines her manicured nails, tsking. “What are you going to do?”

“Do you want to test me, Katie?”

She pouts and turns on her heel. “We’ll see you in court.”

Once she leaves, my shoulders sag and let out a sigh of relief.

I’m glad the Wicked Witch of the West has left.

My father wants a war, I’m going to give it to him. He thinks he can send his minion in here to talk to me. I’m going to bury this motherfucker.

I grab my phone from my breast pocket and call Aurora. She answers on the third ring. Aurora is my private investigator and has been my friend since we met a few years ago. She charges an arm and leg for her services but it’s top-notch. She used to work for the Secret Service and is Michael’s niece.

“Barrett. What do you need?” Her tone is firm.

I hear the sound of a keyboard clicking in the background.

“Investigate Tommy. Dig up any dirt you can find on him.”

“Got it. Anything else?”


I tap the End Call button.

Whatever dirt my father is hiding, I’m going to use it against him.

He’s going to wish he hadn’t fucked with me.


Michael drives me to different furniture stores and I pick out a few paintings, a couch, and an end table. I plan to remake the living room, so it won’t look like the Batcave. Afterward, I buy business attire. When I worked for my stepfather, I didn’t have to dress up as much, so I wore regular clothes. My stepfather thinks that women don’t belong in business meetings, which is stupid.

An hour later, I’m in the cafe. Fresh coffee brews behind the counter, and different flowers decorate the building. Even though the restaurant’s atmosphere is inviting, it doesn’t stop my heart from beating a thousand beats a minute and the jitters in my lower gut.

’’m about to meet my mother and Sophia. I haven’t seen my mother since I broke the news to her that I ended my relationship with Link. She held her head high and told me to never speak to her again. No emotion on her face. Sometimes, I question if she loves me and whether or not I’m good enough for her. The sting from that still lingers in my chest. The way she was cold toward me and got over me quickly.

I survey the front entrance. Sophia enters and scans the restaurant. When her eyes land on me, she gives me a sad smile as she makes her way to my table. I’m so glad we settled on a place where it’s laid-back and chill. Maybe it’ll lighten my mother’s mood when she sees me.

Sophia holds out her arms and I stand up from the table, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and squeezing her as much as I can. I let go and we both slide into our seats.

“I haven’t told Mother that you will be here because I was afraid she wouldn’t show up.”

That was a bad idea because Mother doesn’t like surprises. One time, I threw her a surprise birthday party and she cursed me out and told me not to do it again. But she might not be mean to Sophia, she’s a lot nicer and softer toward her. Sometimes, I envy their relationship because I want her to treat me the exact same way she treats my half-sister.

I nod as the waitress comes and collects Sophia’s order, whereas I’m too nervous and anxious to eat or drink anything. Sophia rubs the back of my hand, and I fill my lungs with air then exhale.

My mother finally comes into view and my heart flutters, my chest burns. I want to cry and hug her tight. She still looks the same. Her skin tone is the color of golden sand. Smooth. My mother is forty-five; she had me when she was twenty years old, but she still looks youthful. I hope I look as good as her when I’m her age. Her thick, kinky hair is down her back, and she wears a designer dress and a pair of Chanel glasses. My mother looks like a goddess, owning the room as a few people stop and stare at her.

She looks around the room and spots Sophia. When her eyes meet mine, rage flashes in her hazel eyes and she grinds her teeth as she makes her way to the table. She air-kisses Sophia and sits down at the table, not acknowledging me.

A tear falls down my cheek even though I’m trying to stay strong, but it’s hard when she won’t even look at me.

“Mother…” My lips quiver.
