Page 15 of Tantalize

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“That’s true. I’m so glad your aunt and Zeke support you.” Dani was happy for her friend but, at the same time, a little envious. Yes, she had her grandparents, but she’d never discussed this type of thing with them.

“So, from what you said Saturday, in San Francisco you discovered more about the lifestyle?”

“Yes.” Dani gathered her thoughts. “When I got to San Francisco, I did some research, and some of it scared me, and some of it was interesting. But in San Francisco, I didn’t know anyone, and since I was working for a large company, I was pretty much just a cog in a wheel. Lucky for me, San Francisco has a pretty large kink community.” A community that welcomed her with open arms even though she knew next to nothing and had several misapprehensions about the lifestyle.

“I’m not surprised.”

“I was scared to death at my first munch.” Dani put her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her hands. “The people at the munch noticed, but they were so nice. Several of the women rallied around me and helped ease me into the lifestyle.”

“So, did you play with a Dom later?”

“Yes. This stays between you and me.” Dani leaned closer to Allyson. “My Dom was older, probably close to my dad’s age, if my dad was still alive. And my Dom and I never had sex.”

Allyson sat back in her chair and raised her eyebrows. “No sex at all?” she whispered.

“None at all. He and I played together, and he taught me about the lifestyle. He showed me being a submissive wasn’t a bad thing, but having sex wasn’t part of our deal.”

“I can’t imagine playing with Zeke and not having sex later.”

“Of course you can’t. You love Zeke.” Dani sat back in her own chair and gave a small smile. “The love between my Dom and I was really that of a mentor/mentee type of thing. We weren’t in love, and neither of us was interested in sex with the other.”

“I guess it’s a good way to learn.”

“It was for me. It opened my eyes to what the lifestyle was about.”

“That all makes sense, but that was four years ago. You’ve changed, and I’m pretty sure Gabriel’s changed,” Allyson said.

“I’m not so sure how much he’s changed.” Dani rested her chin on her palm. “I honestly don’t know what to do. Gabriel says he wants us to be friends, but with so much history behind us, I’m not sure we can be.”

“You are not your past.”

Dani’s stomach clenched. “That’s not going to be easy. Plus, I’m not sure how much Gabriel will really listen to me.” She wanted a long-term relationship, one like her grandparents. If experience was any indication, Gabriel would never agree to that. His parents had taught him marriage was a convenience, like a tissue. Once used, throw it away and get a new one.

“If this is important to him, he’ll listen.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes. “I’m not sure,” Dani said. “He does want to play with me in the club.”

“That’s an interesting turn of events. Just talk to him and let him talk to you. Communication is so important in the lifestyle.”

Dani laughed. “Don’t I know it.” She glanced up as one of the staff brought their food. She needed to talk with Gabriel and get him to understand how she came to like kink and why she needed it. But would he listen to her? Really listen? He had some preconceived notions about her and kink, and Dani wasn’t confident he could move past them.

Chapter 3

Dani kicked off her shoes as her doorbell rang Thursday night. She frowned. The reason she’d moved into this apartment was because of the security door. Padding to the door, she looked out the peep hole.

Gabriel. She was surprised to see him there. She opened her door, her heart pounding. “How did you get in?”

He stood there with a big grin on his face, a large bag dangling from his fingers and holding a pizza box. “Hello to you too.” He jerked his head. “Your neighbor let me in when she saw the pizza box, and she is watching and waiting. She told me she’d call 911 if you slammed the door in my face.”

Dani poked her head out to see Mrs. Bower standing by the security door with her cell phone in her hand. “He said he wanted to surprise you with dinner,” the woman announced.

“Thank you, Mrs. Bower,” she called back. “Come in.” Dani stepped back so Gabriel could walk in.

“Peace offering.” He gestured to the pizza box and the large bag.

“I’d say get lost, but I missed lunch, and that smells delicious.” The scent of pizza dough, tomato sauce, cheese, and bacon tickled her nose. Her stomach growled. She shut the door. “Put everything on the table, and I’ll grab plates and stuff. What do you want to drink?”

“I brought drinks. And salad.” She watched him move to the small table. Dani almost moaned. The jeans he wore cupped his ass just right. He glanced over his shoulder, so she ducked her head and made a beeline for the kitchen.
