Page 57 of Tantalize

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“Nothing. This is about Dani’s needs. If she wants to be part of the demo, she can be. She knows her limits.”

“I’m her Dom.”

“Oh?” Max stared down at him with a hard gaze. “You didn’t show up here Saturday night, and tonight, you didn’t come in until just a few minutes ago. Plus, the way Dani is looking, you haven’t been taking care of her like a Dom should.”

“What is between Dani and me is our business.”

“Until it spills over into my club.” He leaned down and got into Gabriel’s face. “Do you know Sierra found Dani crying while she was working in our yard this week?”

“What?” Damn, he never meant to hurt her like that. One more reason to stay away; he was hurting her.

“Dani refused to say anything, but she’s been putting in long days. Our yard never looked better, but I want you to really look at Dani.”

Gabriel’s gaze went to the stage. Dani was there but wasn’t. Her eyes were dull, and she looked tired. Really tired. Damn it. “I was late because I had dinner with my father.”

Max grimaced. “Sorry. I know that’s rough.”

Gabriel kept one eye on Dani. He wanted to go to her, but did he have the right?

* * * *

Dani couldn’t believe she’d volunteered to be part of the demo. Yes, knives were a hard limit, and they still made her nervous. Even so, after watching Anthony with other subs, she had to experience this for herself.

“You’re scared,” Anthony whispered as she sat down on the hard chair.

“Yes, Sir.” She wouldn’t lie.

“Are you certain you want to do this?”

“Yes, Sir.” Maybe this would yank her out of the doldrums she’d been stuck in all week. How could she be so angry with Gabriel, yet still miss him so freaking much?

“May I blindfold you?”

“Yes, Sir.” She was done with being afraid. Anthony put a black strip of cloth over her eyes and tied it.

“Okay?” he asked.

“Yes.” Or maybe not. She couldn’t see what he was doing. A shiver went up her spine as she sat and waited.

“This isn’t very sharp,” he said and ran something metal down her arm.

She tensed up and then relaxed. It wasn’t bad. Almost like someone’s fingernail running over her skin.

“Now this one is a bit sharper.”

Dani inhaled. It was the same feeling. Was Anthony playing with her? Her skin tingled, and her heart pounded, but it wasn’t out of fear. While the sensation was the same, it created a shiver of anticipation within her.

“Now, here are several at once.” And while he was right—there were several objects on her skin, which weren’t rough or hard. Her body heated in wonder. “You’re doing great, Dani. One last one.”

Dani waited, and the last one touched her skin. A small cry left her lips because it was cold, not because it hurt.

“Crap,” Anthony said.

“Sir?” she whispered. There wasn’t any pain. Had something gone wrong?

“It’s okay.” His breath brushed over her cheek. “I’m going to take the blindfold off, but I want you to know that Gabriel is here, and he doesn’t look happy.”
