Page 58 of Tantalize

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As if her heart wasn’t already doing a wild beat, it now doubled. Dani nodded, trying to control her emotions. Anthony removed the blindfold, and she blinked several times. “Want to guess what I was using on you?” Anthony asked.

She looked over at his table. “I think at least one of them was the vampire glove.” That had to be the one that was several objects.

“Yes, everything else was this.” He picked up one of the finger claws, but on this one, the claw was rounded off, so it wasn’t sharp.

“You totally played with my mind.” Why hadn’t she thought of that before now? Because she was feeling the sensations and wishing Gabriel was there. He was, but she hadn’t known that.

“That I did. How did you like it?”

“I will say it was different and played with my head a little, but it was a good sensation. Thank you.” Not that she’d changed her mind about knife play, but at least she’d gotten an idea of what it might feel like. And she conquered a fear all by herself. She glanced up to see Gabriel next to the stage.

“You are more than welcome.” Anthony helped her out of the chair and made sure she was steady on her feet before he released her. “Now, I’ll take questions, and if you’d like to come up and see my instruments, you can. All I ask is that you don’t handle them.”

Dani walked to the stairs. The hard look on Gabriel’s face didn’t feel encouraging, but she allowed him to help her down the stairs and guide her away.

“Knives are a hard limit,” he said, his voice rough.

Well, this wasn’t what she thought they needed to talk about, but it was a start. “Yes, but I also put notes by it saying I wanted to watch first and make a decision. That’s what I did tonight. Anthony knew exactly what to do.”

“So I saw.”

“You’re angry. Why?”

“Maybe because you allowed another Dom to touch you?”

She straightened. “We haven’t talked since last Friday. It was just a demo, and he barely touched me at all except to run his fingers over my skin. Besides, it was Anthony. I have no interest in him.”

“Why not? He’s good looking.”

Dani shook her head. “He is, but he’s not my type.” Anthony had some rough edges, but so did Gabriel. Everything inside her was calling out to Gabriel, for Gabriel. She put her hand on Gabriel’s cheek. “There is only one man I want as my Dom. The problem is, he can’t break through his phobia to want me just as much.” There! She put it all out there. Ball in his court.

Gabriel huffed with frustration. “I had dinner with my father tonight.”

“That was tonight? I’m so sorry.” He’d mentioned it a couple of weeks ago but hadn’t told her the date. “You should have called me; I would have gone with you.” She remembered that dinner with his dad was never fun, even worse with his mother. Was it any wonder Gabriel didn’t want to be emotionally or legally committed to one woman? He hadn’t had very good role models. Still, Dani had a right to stick up for herself. She wouldn’t go on playing this half-in, half-out game. She wanted all of Gabriel and needed all of him to want her.

“It was better you didn’t go.” He put his arms around her waist and cradled her close. “I’m sorry I closed you out. I was stunned by what you told me.”

“You were angry.” All she kept seeing was the anger in his face, his eyes, in his body language.

“Oh, baby.” His arms tightened around her. “I wasn’t angry at you. I was angry that I couldn’t help you through losing the baby.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. Things were so crazy at college, and I left for San Francisco.”

“I know. It wasn’t your fault.”

Her body sagged against his. “It took me a long time to accept I wasn’t at fault.”

“How could you think that? You weren’t even aware you were pregnant.”

“I know; the doctor told me the same thing. It was just hard.”

“Then I spring kink on you without a single explanation.” He rested his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry.”

Dani accepted his apology into her heart, her body, her soul. She couldn’t leave Gabriel. Not when he was working so hard to make up for every misstep in their past. But she had a right to stick up for herself and her love. Yet something inside her softened. She wanted a commitment from him, maybe him being her Dom was the most he could give her. Could she settle for that? Dani imagined a life without Gabriel and knew she’d never be the same if she didn’t at least try to make this work for both their sakes. Yes, she would find a way to make it work.

“What about us?” Gabriel whispered.

“What about us?”
