Page 60 of Tantalize

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Dani wiggled in her seat, not sure she could wait.

* * * *

Gabriel watched Dani as she worked with Ralph behind the desk. He stepped into reception after being in the club for a bit. He wanted to be close to Dani. It was Friday night and busy. When hadn’t the club been busy lately? It was one of the reasons for the expansion.

It would be nice when they could unveil the new area. There were whispers around the club about what Max had planned. When asked, Gabriel would just smile and tell them to wait and find out. He wasn’t going to spoil Max’s surprise.

At nine, Dani stood and stretched before she walked over to him. “All done,” she said. He admired the deep red corset and black boy shorts she wore and the way she’d piled her hair up.

“Good.” He took her hand and led her into the club. The music tonight was more intense heavy metal than normal, but overall, it gave a good beat.

“I reserved the St. Andrew’s cross for ten.” He was looking forward to playing with Dani.

“Yes, Sir.” She gazed around the club, and waved at some of the other subs. With his arm around her waist, Gabriel guided her to the bar where several of the couples sat. His fingers were itching to get down to business.

How would Dani take a braided flogger? It was heavier than they’d used before and would have a heavy impact on her ass. He’d planned carefully and would make sure she was well warmed up before he used it. They sat and talked with several couples when one of the Doms approached him.

“Excuse me, Gabriel.”

“Yes, James.” Gabriel turned to the man. James was on the smaller size, about five eight, probably weighed around one seventy-five.

“I’m going to go talk with Allyson,” Dani said and left the two men alone.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but Colby isn’t here tonight, and I was hoping someone could demo the bullwhip for me. I’ve been wanting to learn how to use one.”

Gabriel frowned. “Bullwhips can be dangerous.” He rarely worked with whips anymore. He’d kept his skill up with private sessions using a dummy, but not with live subs.

“They can be, but my sub really wants to try.” James motioned to a woman standing nearby, shifting from one foot to the other. “Master Max said you’d be the best one to ask.”

Gabriel glanced over James’ shoulder and saw Max in the back of the club clearing it out. Max was on board. “All right, but I’ll need to talk with your sub and Max before I show you. Meet you in the back in five minutes.”

“Of course.” James walked over to his sub, and they headed over to Max.

Gabriel turned to find Dani only to see she was alone and watching him. He walked over to her. “James asked me to use a bullwhip on his sub. She wants to know what it feels like, and Colby isn’t here tonight.” He took her hand in his. “The demo won’t interfere with our time.”

She frowned at him. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that. Why can’t I be your sub?”

“I just stated his sub wants to feel it.” What was she getting at?

“But I’m your sub.”

Gabriel opened his mouth and then shut it. “No.” He wouldn’t use a bullwhip on her; she wasn’t ready. “We talked about this, remember. Sometimes Doms will ask me to demo on their subs. Max specifically asked me to do this.”

Her eyes grew stormy. “And you said we would discuss it.”

“Like you did when you demoed with Anthony?” Why was he bringing that up? He understood why she did what she did. He might not have liked it, but he hadn’t been acting like her Dom at the time.

“So when it’s convenient for you, I’m your sub, but I’m not allowed to try something with another Dom.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Damn, she took that the wrong way. Not totally her fault he couldn’t seem to find the right words.

“You weren’t upset when I played with Anthony even if it was a demo and something on my hard limits?”

“I was.” He wasn’t going to deny it. “We hadn’t talked about it as agreed.”

“How could I? You weren’t at the club, and we weren’t exactly talking.”

“You know why.” Why were they going over this again? Hadn’t they moved on?
