Page 59 of Tantalize

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“How do we proceed?”

Making her decision, she answered him. “Like we have been.” She wasn’t going to push him for something he couldn’t give her. Not anymore. Maybe one day she would, but for now she wanted Gabriel in her life. She loved him too much to let something he was afraid of get in their way.

Well, damn, she’d really never stopped loving him. He was her man regardless if they were together or not. Dani didn’t want anyone else.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She wasn’t a hundred percent sure of anything, but the last few days without Gabriel had made her realize how much she wanted him in her life. She’d take him as she could get him. Dani glanced at the clock behind the bar. “It’s after ten; I need to get home. I’ve got work tomorrow.”

“Let’s go.”

* * * *

The next two weeks were busy with work. Dani finished up the last Max and Sierra’s backyard, and the Wicked Sanctuary job was almost done. Dani smiled as Max signed off on the job. In the past few weeks, her business had exploded, and she’d been busier than ever. Not surprising as a lot of people wanted their yards and plants done during summer.

It made her happy she could keep the family business running. She talked with her grandfather about expanding the business, hiring more people, and maybe getting a bigger office. He told her to do what she wanted, that it was her business now. He was stronger and wanted to enjoy his retirement.

She’d cried when he told her that. Her grandparents had always surrounded her with love and understanding. And then there was Gabriel.

They’d had dinner with her grandparents last Sunday. It made her heart hurt. She wanted what her grandparents had. A marriage based on love, trust, and happiness. But deep down, she also knew that Gabriel wasn’t a man who could commit. Mention marriage, and he’d run for the hills.

She understood. His parents had divorced and remarried so many times. Gabriel had to live with that, and he saw marriage as something one could just throw away. Heck, they’d had already been on marriage three and four when she and Gabriel were in college. Her heart ached for him. For herself.

Dani walked into her apartment just as her cell went off. Gabriel. “Hey,” she said.

“Hi, babe, I’m going to run home, shower, and change. Pick you up in an hour?”

“Okay.” That would barely give her enough time to do what she needed to do.

* * * *

“Where are we going to dinner?” she asked as he pulled out of the parking spot. She’d managed to be ready when Gabriel arrived.


Dani grinned at him, especially when they pulled up in front of the Double D BBQ. “How did you know I was in the mood for some good barbecue?”

“When aren’t you?” He laughed.

It was true. She loved barbecue. Once they ordered, she looked at Gabriel, really looked. “Are you okay to play tonight?” she asked. He seemed tired.

“I’m fine. It’s been a long week. We’re almost finished with the expansion of the club. It’s been a big job.”

“I can’t wait for the big unveiling Max keeps talking about.”

“It won’t be for a few weeks yet.” He leaned over to her. “A birdy told me he’s got some new equipment coming in.”

Dani flushed. Gabriel loved teasing her about how many ways he could tie her up and make her climax. Then he’d show her. She had to admit Gabriel had been very attentive and loving since the night of Anthony’s demo.

They talked about their work week as they ate. “How do you feel about taking our play up a notch tonight?” he asked.

“What do you have in mind?” Their play had been pretty much in line with her limits. Gabriel didn’t push even if she wanted him to.

“What do you think about starting off with our standard flogger, moving up to a medium flogger, and if you want more, I’ll move to a braided flogger.”

She tilted her head. He’d actually said he’d go a little heavier with her? Nice. She’d been wanting this for a while now. Especially with Gabriel. “I’m game.”

“All right. That’s the plan for tonight.”
