Page 10 of Unmasked

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“That’s what I’m talking about.”

“You don’t want to control my business?”

“No, I don’t.That would be a 24/7 Dom/sub relationship.Going that far would involve total power exchange; that’s not me.For me, this is about what a submissive wants in the bedroom or when we are together in the club.Does the sub want the Dom to take the lead?Does the sub want the Dom to tie them up and tease them?Does the sub want the Dom to make their most erotic fantasies come true?”

As he spoke, she kept her attention on him, and her body relaxed.She was letting go of her inhibitions and listening to him.A warm fuzzy feeling went through his blood.

“I’d like that.”Her voice was strong.

“Good.I don’t want to take over your life.”

Ellie shook her head.“But…” She sighed.“Maybe I’ve been reading the wrong books.”

“It’s possible.Are you okay with me being your mentor?”

“I’d like to know more about you.You’re a police officer?”

“Yes.”The caution was back in her eyes.“Is that going to be a problem?”

She paused, then shook her head.“It will be fine.”

Logan didn’t quite believe her, but he’d let it go for now.They needed to get past the first few scenes, either private or in the club, before he made any decision about a relationship outside the club.Oh, yes, he was definitely intrigued, and finding out what she wanted was the icing on the cake.

“All right, I haven’t read your complete questionnaire yet, but I know we’re compatible based on what I saw on the first page.What I’d like to talk about is how you feel about us being seen together?”

“What do you mean?In the club?Everyone has to sign an NDA, don’t they?”

“Yes.I mean like what we’re doing right now.Outside the club.While you’re in training, my job is to get you used to the club and help you feel comfortable in the space, but it’s hard to do that unless I get to know you.And for me to do that, I need to see you outside of club space.”He’d heard the other Doms talk about how important it was to develop at least a friendship with their mentee.Several of the Doms went on to have relationships with them, and he wanted that with Ellie.Friendship was fine, but not a permanent relationship that could lead to marriage.He couldn’t risk that with his job, but a nice friends-with-benefits thing that gave them both some companionship and sex.

* * * *

Ellie stared at Logan.Just her luck.The man who lit up her libido like a Christmas tree was a cop.How could she be with a man who risked his life on a daily basis?A shiver went through her as she remembered seeing her brother lying lifeless.No.

She should ask for another mentor.Max would make it happen, but she had a sneaking suspicion he’d want to know why.She wasn’t ready to talk about her reasons.Not yet.Would she ever be ready?Maybe one day.

Okay, she could make this work.It was only for a short period of time.She wasn’t going to lose her heart to a cop.She’d keep her emotions on lockdown.

Ian brought their dinner.She’d ordered the special, and it smelled heavenly.Logan had asked Ian for his usual, and Ellie glanced at his plate.Not only was there a bowl of soup, but a mile-high French dip along with a pile of french fries.

“You must be hungry,” Ellie observed before dipping her spoon into the soup.

“I am.”He didn’t pick up his spoon or his sandwich.Instead, his gaze was on her as she sipped her soup.

Her eyes widened.The chicken practically melted in her mouth, and the broth was delicious.“That is fantastic.”

Logan grinned.“They have the best here.”

“I never knew this place existed.”Maybe because she’d been so busy lately, she barely had time to run to Sweet & Savory to grab food, and today she’d ordered from a place close to her shop.And looked what happened there.The fish and chips hadn’t settled well in her stomach.Now, she was starving, but she’d be smart to stick to the soup and bread.By tomorrow, she’d be right as rain.

She watched him eat.The man did everything like it was his only focus, yet she knew he also saw everything around him.Logan had asked her about seeing him outside the club, and she hadn’t answered him.

Maybe because she didn’t know.She was already attracted to him.Could she see him socially and not make it look like some big relationship?The mentorship was only three weeks, although Max said many kept the relationship going until the pair agreed to part.She would not be able to stay with Logan beyond the mentorship.The man was as dangerous to her peace of mind as his job was to him.

She had to wonder how many of the women found the men they loved through this mentorship program.No, she couldn’t think like that.She’d trusted her ex and learned the hard way she was better off without a man in her life.Even if she decided to consider another relationship, it wouldn’t be with a police officer.

Wait… Wasn’t that why she’d joined Wicked Sanctuary?To be with a man?To explore her sensuality that she’d suppressed with her ex.Ellie rolled her eyes.No, the ex didn’t belong in her thoughts.Period.

“You rolled your eyes.What’s going on in that head of yours?”Logan asked.
