Page 11 of Unmasked

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Had he been watching her this whole time?Ellie shook her head.“Nothing.”

She smiled and went back to her meal, but Logan pressed on.“You never answered my question about seeing me outside the club.”

“I think I can do that.It’s really going to depend on my schedule and yours.”She had no idea what kind of hours he worked.Maybe that would give her an out or at least curtail their time together.

“I understand.As a party planner, do you attend all the parties you set up?”

“Oh Lord, no.Sierra’s was a special case since I was doing the wedding reception the next day.Most of the time, I make sure everything is set up and check in with my workers by text to make sure everything is going well.”

“I’m glad you were there, or we wouldn’t have met.”

A shiver slid over her spine, and Ellie tamped it down.“The group of you were very imposing.”

Logan laughed.“The guys weren’t too happy to find their women at a strip club.”

“Hey, it wasn’t a strip club.The Oasis is a very respectable…okay, strip club.But the men were never nude.”

“Thank goodness, or Max would have flipped out.”Logan rubbed his chin.“Come to think of it, so would the other guys.They all had wives and girlfriends there.”

“But you didn’t?”The question slipped from her lips before she could censor it.

He shook his head.“Nope.And now I’m glad.So, Miss Party Planner, dinner tomorrow night, and I’ll check with Max if it’s okay to take you to the club.Not to play, but to observe.”

Ellie shook her head.She pulled her phone out of her purse and pulled up her calendar.“Sorry, I have a retirement party tomorrow night at seven.”

“You don’t have help?”

“I do have two people on contract, but they’re doing other events for me tomorrow.”

“Saturday night?”

“Two birthday parties and a baby shower, but I should be done by five.”

“Let’s plan for me to pick you up at six.”

“I can drive myself.”

“Remember what I said?Protective.”

Ellie shook her head.“It’s going to take me a bit to understand that.Besides, it doesn’t make sense for you to drive to my apartment, then to dinner, then back to my apartment.Where do you live by the way?”

“Off of Jackson.”

“Isn’t that the new housing development being built by Riggs Construction?”She remembered seeing information about the models out there.She’d actually toured one, but she wasn’t sure she needed a house right now.Her apartment was fine.

“It is.Zeke is a friend, and he found me the perfect place.”

“That means you’ll have to double back to my apartment.”She shook her head.“I’ll drive myself.”

Warm fingers captured hers.Logan had reached across the table and placed his fingers over hers.“Let me do this, Ellie.”

“Okay.”She sighed, not wanting to argue with him.“But I won’t always be this amendable.”

Logan grinned.“You’ll be surprised.”

An hour later she was.Logan followed her home and walked her inside her apartment building, checked her apartment, and left her with a kiss on the cheek.

Her surprise wasn’t that she’d let him check her apartment, it was the heat from that little kiss on the cheek.It flowed through her veins and straight to her core.Wasn’t it a plus she was attracted to the man she was going to be with at the club?
