Page 12 of Unmasked

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She pushed away from her front door and made her way into her bedroom.Thank goodness she had fresh batteries in her vibrator; she was going to need it tonight.

Chapter Four

Logan stepped from the bathroom into his bedroom and glanced at the clock.Five.Ellie would be leaving work about now.He’d talked to her earlier in the day and told her Max approved of her going to the club tonight, so she should make sure she had the appropriate clothing.

He’d already thrown his club clothes into his bag.By the time he was finished dressing, it was time to leave.On the drive, he thought once again about Thursday night with Ellie.She was so new to the lifestyle.He’d spoken with Max about it, and Max reminded him that most of the subs, including his wife, had been new at some point.

Max was right.Logan hadn’t been a mentor before and was afraid of messing things up.Max told him to do what felt right with Ellie, and the mentor relationship didn’t have to end when the classes did.Most kept it going for at least a couple three to four weeks after the mentorship ended until the sub felt comfortable on their own.

Logan blew out a breath.The question was: Could he let Ellie go at the end of that time?Yeah, he had it bad.Ellie tugged at something inside him, and he wanted to wrap her in his arms and protect her.Was it because he was a cop?He didn’t think so.He’d never felt this strongly about a woman before.

He wasn’t sure if she was aware or not, but he watched her at Sierra’s wedding and reception.While she tried to keep to the background, Sierra and the other women dragged her out onto the dance floor and into their circle.It was good that she had these friends.

Pulling into a parking spot, Logan climbed out of his SUV, made his way to her apartment building entrance, and pressed the button for her apartment.He liked this building, good security, and it was well maintained.

Ellie’s voice came over the speaker.“I’ll be right down, Logan.”And the speaker clicked off before he could respond.

He crossed his arms over his chest and waited.Soon, she came bouncing out the door with a smile on her face, her hair pulled back, and a bag in her hand.He took the bag from her, set it down, and cupped her shoulders.“Why did you make me wait outside?”

Ellie stared at him.“Did I make you wait too long?”

“No.”He took a breath.“Why didn’t you let me come in?I need to understand.”He wasn’t angry, just confused.

Her cheeks turned pink.“I didn’t think about it.”

Logan thought about her words.“I like to escort my dates.That means I pick you up at your apartment door and drop you off there at the end of the night.It’s how I was raised.”

She tilted her head.“I’m not used to that.”

He stared at her.“Not used to it?Get used to it.I take care of my…mentees.”

“Look, Logan—”

Logan worked to keep his impatience from getting the better of him.It would take time and effort to find a middle ground, especially with Ellie.“No.You need to understand here and now that I want to protect you, and I will do so for as long as we’re together.If you can’t live with that, maybe I’m not the right mentor for you.Although, I believe any Dom would feel the same way.”

When she didn’t answer, he picked up her bag and cupped her elbow.

Ellie pulled away.“Look, Logan.If it’s going to be a lecture every time I do something you don’t like, maybe I should ask Max to assign someone else as my mentor.”

“You will not.”Why did he say that after telling her that maybe he wasn’t the right mentor for her?Maybe because he needed her to understand this was going to take compromise on both sides.

She closed her eyes, then opened them.“I’m not going to argue with you, but understand this: I am my own woman.If I choose to meet you instead of buzzing you inside, I see that as a courtesy.Why make you come all the way to my apartment when I can easily save you the trip.”

Logan fought against his dominant side.It was a struggle.“I get it.”He did.Compromise.“Please understand that is not part of my makeup.”

“How about we meet half-way, you can escort me to my apartment at the end of our evening to start with?”

“I can do that.”It wouldn’t be easy, but he wouldn’t tolerate another Dom as her mentor.He wasn’t planning to let her go, at least not until their relationship came to a mutual conclusion and when he wasn’t so damned attracted to her.

Logan gestured for her to precede him to his vehicle.“I did warn you I had a protective side, and sometimes it gets the better of me.”

“I get it.I just wasn’t expecting it on our first outing together.”

“I’m glad you didn’t hold back with me.If I do something that upsets you, tell me about it.You had no problem telling me off that night I drove you home from the bachelorette party.And you did allow me to check your apartment out the other night.”

Her lips twitched.“Deal.As long as you’re willing to really listen to what I have to say.”

