Page 22 of Unmasked

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“Like?”she asked, holding her arms out and doing a little spin.

“Fucking gorgeous.”His gaze went from her head to her toes.“I see you did some shopping.”

“Yes, with Tessa’s help.”Ellie smoothed her hands down over the short black skirt.The black bra lifted her breasts, and the cute flat red shoes sealed the outfit.

“Remind me to thank her.”Logan snagged her around the waist and led her inside the club.

“It’s a lot less crowded tonight,” Ellie commented.The music was still a techno beat, but not as loud as Saturday.

“Yes.Thursdays are for the classes or demos, depending on what is going on.”Logan led her over to the sofas.They sat.“What would you like to do tonight?”

Ellie blinked in surprise.“You’re asking me?”

“Yes.”Logan grinned.“This is all for your learning pleasure, Ellie.”

She glanced around the club.“Can we look at the equipment so I can understand more about it?”

“We can.”He stood and held his hand out to her.

That was one thing Ellie noticed.Logan always helped her up, in and out of his vehicle, keeping a hand on her arm as they walked.He was protective, yet gentle.She hadn’t had that in her life, not since her brother died.

“Where to first?”he asked.

Ellie looked around.“That.”She pointed to the stage area that held an odd-looking chair.

“You got it.”He guided her over and up onto the small stage.“This is a bondage chair.Have a seat.”

She sat down on the hard wood.“Is this oak?”

“Teak.”Logan said walking behind her.His hands settled on her shoulders, then slid down her arms.“While it may seem tame”—he lifted her right arm parallel to the wooden arm—“it’s fun to use on a sub.”

She turned her head and saw something in Logan’s hand.“This is hemp rope.Meant to be soft and not scratch tender skin.”He stroked her arm, then made a loop, slid it over her wrist, and tightened the loop.

The rope tickled her skin with its softness.She watched as he began winding the rope up her arm, pinning it against the wood.When he reached her shoulder, he stretched the rope around the back of the chair, to her other side, and began doing the same to her left arm.

When he got to her wrist, he tied off the rope.Then Logan ran his finger around the rope over both arms.She shivered with awareness at his touch.It was soft, yet firm.Like a caring Dom.

“Why are you doing that?”

“To make sure the rope isn’t too tight against your skin.”

“Don’t you want it tight?”

“Enough to hold you yes, but not to cut off circulation or harm you.”He stepped in front of her.“Wiggle your fingers.”She did.“Good.Now how do you feel?”

Until he asked, she hadn’t realized how vulnerable she felt.“A little vulnerable.”

“Which is why you only play with someone you trust.Normally, I would have discussed this with you before we even started.Negotiations are part of the deal; remember that.”

“Why didn’t you?”He was right.She should have talked with him before they started.That she trusted Logan surprised her.Max was watching them, though he didn’t join them.Was everyone and everything in this club designed to make subs feel safe?

“I wanted to see how you’d react.”He knelt in front of her.“I would never do anything to hurt you.I trusted you to call your safe word if you were scared.”He put his hands on her thighs.


Logan froze, and Ellie took a deep breath.He stared up at her.“What is it?”

“What are you going to do?”She hated the tentativeness of her voice.
