Page 23 of Unmasked

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“Thank you for saying your safe word.”Logan removed his hands.“Do you want me to undo your arms?”

“No.”She swallowed.“But I’m not ready to go in blind.Tell me what you were planning to do.”

Logan’s eyebrows rose.“I forgot to remind you of the protocols in the club.”

Her face heated.Damn, how could she have forgotten that?Easy, she hadn’t been thinking but feeling.Her emotions overrode her brain.“I’m sorry, Sir.Would you please tell me what you were planning to do?”

“I am going to show you how the chair works.”

“Can I ask that you talk me through this, Sir?”

Logan grinned.“Good idea.”He shifted.“I’m going to place my hands on your thighs and push your legs apart.”

This time his touch wasn’t such a shock to her.He pushed her legs apart along with the legs of the chair.

“Oh my goodness.”Her breath caught in her throat.Ellie had a pair of boy shorts on under the skirt, but she could just imagine if she was naked, how open she would be.

“Normally, I would restrain your legs as well, but not today.”

As well?Ellie had forgotten her arms were tied up.How could she forget that?Maybe because her concentration was on Logan.

“Now, once I have you in the position I want you...”He reached underneath the chair, and she heard a click.“It’s locked, and you wouldn’t be able to close your legs if you were restrained.”

“What would you do next, Sir?”

His dark brown eyes lit up.“Tease you.”

“Tease me, how, Sir?”

“Shall I show you?”

She nodded before she even thought about it.Logan stood and motioned to Max, who sauntered over.“Would you grab my bag for me, please.”

Max turned away and was back in a minute with a black bag.Logan took it from him and set it on the stage.He stood and took more rope from the table.“I’m going to tie your legs, calves and below.”

“Okay, Sir.”Her skin was already tingling and her nerves shimmering.While she still had that vulnerable feeling, there was curiosity that wasn’t going away.This was what she’d come to Wicked Sanctuary to feel, to learn, and it excited her.

Logan tied her legs.She wiggled her toes but couldn’t close her legs.Her heart rate picked up.

“I have you at my mercy,” he whispered.

Damned if a thrill of anticipation didn’t send her pulse skyrocketing as he unzipped his bag.She’d seen several of these Saturday night and had asked the girls about them.Toy bags, or Dom bags, as some called them.

Sierra said the Doms kept their personal equipment in them.Ellie was curious what Logan had in his, but he kept his body between the bag and her.When he straightened, he had a long black handle with a feather at the end of it.

“This is a feather tickler.”Logan stepped up to her and ran it over the bare skin her bra didn’t cover.

A quiver ran over her skin as he ran it over her stomach, down her legs, then over her arms.

“If you were naked, I’d use the feather to tease your nipples until they were hard peaks.”

Just his words were making them hard, and she shifted in the chair.

“This is arousing you.”Logan grinned at her.

“How do you know that, Sir?”Could he really tell?

“You shifted in your seat; your nipples are poking against your bra, and your breathing has gone shallow.”
