Page 5 of Unmasked

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What if she had no clue what her needs and desires were?She bit her lower lip so she didn’t blurt the question out.Squirming in her chair, she wondered if she should just forget this whole thing.Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.

“Don’t overthink this,” Max said.

Ellie’s eyes widened.Was the man a mind-reader?

Max smiled.“I’ve worked with both men and women who worry this lifestyle isn’t for them.I’ll tell you the same thing I’ve told them: The only way to know for sure is to give it a try.”He paused, watching her intently.“I take it you finished all the other forms?”

“Oh yes.”She took them out of the folder and handed them to him.

“I’ve said you might need to take the questionnaire home; why don’t you do that?Sometimes it’s easier in a more relaxed setting.”

Ellie blew out a breath.Maybe he was right.“Okay.”

“The background check takes a week or so.I’ll give you a call once it’s back, and I’ve approved you.Then we’ll set you up for the second class.”

“Can you remind me what the classes are?”

“Certainly.Tonight is basically paperwork.Class two is protocols in the club.I’ll give you a copy of your paperwork, answer any questions you might have, and take your questionnaire responses.”

“Who sees the questionnaires?”Ellie couldn’t stand the idea that her intimate answers would be fodder for anyone in the club to read, especially the Dom who’d driven her home after the bachelorette party.She already couldn’t get Logan out of her mind.If he read her questionnaire…

“Only me and your mentor, at first.If you work with someone else besides your mentor, that person will need to review your hard and soft limits.”

She nodded.

“You’ll also meet your training mentor next week.”

“Training mentor?”Ellie’s nerves ratcheted back up again.Sierra hadn’t said anything about that.

“Yes.Everyone has a training mentor to help them navigate their first few times through the club.”

“Who will mine be?”

“I don’t know yet.”Max rubbed his chin.“With a lot of us Doms in relationships and preferring not to mentor a new member, I have to find a suitable Dom for you.”

“Ah…Max I’m not sure if I’m a Dom, submissive, or switch.”

“I saw that you checked the unsure box.Don’t worry.We’re used to that here, and once you finish the questionnaire, we’ll talk about it.Can you trust me to find you the perfect mentor?”

She thought for a moment.“Yes, Max.I trust you to find me the right mentor.”It was the right choice to make.

“Thank you.Take that home and fill it out.If you get it done before I call you with the results of the background check, scan, password protect it, and email it to me.”He handed her a business card with his name and email address on it.“Once I receive it, I’ll call you for the password.”

“I will.”Clutching the folder to her chest, she snagged her purse and stood, more than ready to leave.“This has been eye opening.”

Max smiled.“I’m sure it has.I want you to feel comfortable here, Ellie.We all need a place to relax and be ourselves.”Max escorted her to her car and waited until she was on her way before he went back inside.

Ellie thought about his words on the way home.A place to relax, let go, and be herself.Outside of her apartment, she hadn’t found a place like that in a long time, if ever.Her pulse spiked in anticipation.Now she was excited to fill out the questionnaire and get this show on the road.

* * * *

Logan Wolfe grabbed a beer out of the fridge and plopped down on the sofa.Four days of freedom.He laughed.He loved his job as a police officer, but the long days were starting to get to him.

He was off until Monday morning, and he couldn’t wait to go to the club and relax around friends and maybe play with a sub or two.With all the extra shifts he’d taken on, and schedules being changed often, it had been a while since he’d been able to play.

There was also the fact that lately, something had been missing for him, and he didn’t have a damn clue what that was.Was it because he didn’t have a woman in his life?He shook his head.He’d promised himself a long time ago he wouldn’t go into a relationship while he was a cop.His job was volatile, and he wouldn’t risk leaving a woman he cared about to mourn him.His cell rang, and he glanced at the display.

“Hey, Max,” Logan said.That man had a way of knowing when to call.
