Page 6 of Unmasked

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“Logan, I was wondering if I could ask a big favor.”

“Sure.What’s up?”Logan took a long drink of his beer.

“I’ve got a new sub coming in tomorrow, and I was hoping you could mentor her.”

“Me?”Logan was surprised.Max usually asked one of the other Doms in the club.

“Yes.Her questionnaire matched up almost perfectly with yours.”

“I’ve never done it before, and you know my work schedule is unpredictable.”

“I know, but it will only be for the next three Thursdays.Do you think you can swing it?”

Logan thought about his schedule.“Yeah, I think so.”Most the time, he avoided the night shift, and even if he worked twelve-hour days, he should be done by seven at night.It would be tight to get to the club by eight, but he could make it work.

“Great.Can you start tomorrow and meet your mentee.”

“You got lucky; I’m off until Monday.”

“Wonderful.Come at seven, and I’ll introduce you.You’re going to be great.”

Logan shook his head after Max disconnected.He hoped he would be as good as Max thought he’d be.Flipping on the TV, he found a football game and relaxed on his sofa.He wondered what Ellie was doing tonight.The curvy, feisty brunette hadn’t left his thoughts much since the night of Sierra’s bachelorette party.It was unusual for a woman to take up space in his mind.Maybe it was because the last few months had been busy, and he hadn’t had a chance to let off steam at the club?

Or maybe it was the way she rolled her eyes at him or the death glare from those stunning blue eyes.His cock twitched.Yeah, that was another thing.Damn cock had it bad for Ellie even though he’d just met her.

Maybe he’d get her contact information from Sierra.He’d tried to find her, but he couldn’t find a party planning place with her name, and he wouldn’t abuse his official position to search police databases.He grinned.Yeah, tomorrow night he’d chat with Sierra.

Chapter Three

Logan strode into Wicked Sanctuary a few minutes after seven Thursday night.For some reason, traffic had been heavier than he’d expected.“Evening, Ralph,” he said, signing in.

“Logan.”Ralph was a staple of the club.He’d been behind the reception desk for as long as Logan had been a member.“Max is waiting in the classroom for you.”

“Thanks.”Max hadn’t said what the dress code was, so Logan kept it casual.T-shirt, lightweight cotton material pants, and loafers.If he was going into the club later, it would be easy enough to strip his shirt off.

“Oh good, you’re here,” Max said as he walked into the room right behind Logan.

“Hey, Max.”Logan’s gaze took in the room, and he was surprised to see only one person sitting there.Jordan had mentioned they usually had classes of four to six.He blinked.Ellie?

“You remember Ellie from Sierra’s bachelorette party?”

“Yes.”Logan smiled.This was interesting.Ellie stared at him, her blue eyes giving nothing away, but the color in her cheeks was telling.

“I’ve already explained the protocols to Ellie, so this is a good time for the two of you to go over the questionnaire together.”

“Sounds good to me,” Logan said.In one way, he was blown away to see Ellie here, and in another, not.At least now, he didn’t have to ask Sierra for her information.Wait a second.He hadn’t seen her background check come through.Max always had him to do those; he must have had one of the others do it.There were several officers who frequented the club.


She blinked several times.“Uh, sure.”

Logan strode over and sat down next to her as Max walked out of the room.“So we meet again.”

“Yes.”Her voice was soft.

Tonight, her brunette hair was pulled back, and she wore minimal makeup.His gaze roamed over her clothing.A lightweight shirt, jeans, and sneakers.His dick took notice of how beautiful she looked, but it was more than that.She was here, and he was her mentor.He almost rubbed his hands together, thinking about how much fun they would have.Slow down.She’s new to the lifestyle.Or was she?

“Do you mentor often?”she asked, her words soft.
