Page 69 of Unmasked

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“Cuddling is permissible.”

“Fine.But on Friday, you’re mine.”


Logan stood and pulled her from her chair.He drew her into his arms and brushed his lips against hers.“Is that against your rules?”

“As long as it’s only kissing.”

“Kissing is fun.”He tugged her inside and gestured to the sofa while he found his remote.Finding the streaming service, he pulled up the menu.“What would you like to watch?”

“Why don’t you pick.”

Her words surprised him, but he was going to go with the flow.He found an action-adventure movie and started it.After setting the remote aside, he pulled Ellie into his arms.Her head rested on his shoulder.She fit perfectly against his body, and Logan didn’t mind that they were doing nothing but sitting together.He liked having her here with him.

* * * *

Two hours later, the movie ended.Ellie reached over, pushed the button on the remote and turned the TV off.Logan had fallen asleep less than an hour into the movie.She’d been content to lay in his arms while he slept.

After crying in the shower and letting her mind settle, she was feeling better.His proposition about them playing outside the club had thrown her.She hadn’t expected their kink to spill outside the club.She had no idea why she thought that, because a lot of the people in the club were couples outside of it.

Why was she being so snappish about this?She wanted to be with him and not have to be in control, right?Yes.It was one of the reasons she’d sought out the club in the first place.

Logan was caring and careful.He always made sure she was comfortable, even if their conversation was a bit uncomfortable.She didn’t mind him pushing for answers.She learned new things about herself every time.

While she didn’t like the vulnerable feeling being restrained gave her, it also gave her permission to let go.It helped her realize she didn’t need to take on the entire world herself.Logan did that for her.Helped her let go of that responsibility.

They fit.That was how she thought of it.She’d never pictured herself with a man in law enforcement, especially after her brother’s death.But Logan seemed to understand her fear of him being hurt or killed on the job.

There was responsibility raising its ugly head once again.Logan was a grown man and had a good grasp of the dangers of his job.Was she learning to accept it?In a way.She would always worry.It would never go away, but she also trusted Logan to be safe.

In a way, that’s what it came down to.Trust.She trusted Logan.Her brother thought he was invincible.Logan didn’t think that way, at least not that she’d seen.He was down to earth.Ellie closed her eyes and listened to his even breathing.

Her breath caught in her throat.Logan meant something to her.Allowing herself to get close to anyone was a feeling she’d shut down a long time ago.

But lately she’d been dissatisfied with her life.

She had enough help with her business, so that wasn’t why.And she had good friends.And now she had Logan.Maybe it was time to let him fully into her life.

“You’re not asleep.I can hear you thinking.”

“I’m relaxing.”

His arms tightened around her.“Cuddle against me.I like having you in my arms.”

“I can tell.”She snuggled closer as she pushed all thoughts about anyone other than Logan out of her mind.It was time for her to live her life, her way, with a man who understood her.

Logan’s stomach growled.“Hungry?”It had been around noon when they started the movie.

“A bit.”

“Let me get us some food.”She sat up.

“There’s leftover pizza and salad in the fridge.That will work.”He sat up and rubbed his arm.“I have a steaks defrosting for dinner.”

“I’m not very good at cooking steak.I have a tendency to burn them.”

“I have a very nice grill I can cook on.”Ellie stared at him, and he put his hands up.“Grilling isn’t going to hurt me.”His stomach growled louder.“Pizza.Now, woman.”
