Page 82 of Unmasked

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Being apart from Ellie wasn’t going to be easy.He loved her.Logan pulled to the curb.He loved Ellie.Why hadn’t he realized that before?Now what was he going to do?He almost turned the SUV around to go back to her apartment.

No, she needed time, and he would give her that.It was the least he could do.But he wasn’t going to wait too long before he went after her.

Chapter Fifteen

Logan woke on Thanksgiving morning with a heavy heart.He missed Ellie.Giving her time was the hardest thing he’d ever done.He’d texted her a few times, but her answer was always the same.“I need time.”

The department was still healing over Bill’s death.All the investigations had concluded, showing there was nothing they could have done differently, and most breathed a sigh of relief.

He still wondered if there was something they could have done so Bill wouldn’t have gotten shot.Logically, he knew they’d done everything by the book, but in his heart, he grieved.

Bill had been laid to rest two weeks ago, yet Logan couldn’t chase away the feeling that something was amiss.He’d begged off invitations to Thanksgiving dinner.He’d taken a couple of days off, so he had a long weekend.

After breakfast, he planted himself on the sofa and turned on the football game.That was the ticket.He could lose himself in the games this weekend.

A little after noon, his phone rang; he sighed when he saw the name on the display.“Hi, Mom.”

“Logan, sweetie.I’m so glad you answered.”

His mother’s soft voice soothed the bleeding wound in his heart.“I always answer you.”

“I wanted to call and tell you Happy Thanksgiving.I wish you could have flown back East and celebrated with us.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t.The weather is too unpredictable this time of year.”Even though he had a long weekend, flying to the East Coast and back could be risky.Plus, he hated traveling around the holidays.And who wanted to be around someone in his mood anyhow?

“I understand.How are you doing?How’s the job?”

“I’m good.The job is fine.”

“Logan, what is going on?”

“I don’t know what you mean, Mom.”

“It’s in your voice.Did something happen at work?”

Logan shook his head.His mother, even over three thousand miles away, could tell something was wrong.With a sigh, he told her the story about Bill and what happened.

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry.Don’t let it affect you too much.Your father wouldn’t want that.”

Those words caught Logan’s attention.“I don’t understand, Mom.Dad’s death devastated you.”

“Oh honey, in the beginning, yes.It was a shock, but after a few months, I began to get on with my life.”

“But you were always sad.”So many times, he remembered his mother would sit and stare at his father’s picture on the mantle.

“I was sad because your father wasn’t there to see you kids growing up.He would have been so proud of what you’ve accomplished, heck, what all you kids have accomplished.”

“How can you be so sure of that, Mom?”

“Because we talked about it all the time.He was proud of you going to the academy and following in his footsteps.”

Logan had known that.While his father didn’t say the words, it showed in his face how proud he was when Logan graduated the academy.“How is Susan doing?”

“No changing the subject, young man.”His mother chided.“Besides I want to know when you’re going to find a nice young lady and settle down.”

“I thought I had.”The words slipped out before he could stop them.

“Tell me.”
