Page 85 of Unmasked

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“Who’s got the potty mouth now?”Sierra quipped.

“Just because your parents couldn’t commit doesn’t mean you can’t.My parents are divorced.Best thing that ever happened to them and, eventually, for me,” Tessa told her.

“Damon’s and Max’s jobs aren’t dangerous,” Ellie said.

“No, but there’s nothing to say that Max couldn’t be in a car accident that could kill him.”

“Or Damon could be hurt in a robbery at his store.”Tessa laid her hand on Ellie’s arm.“What we’re trying to say is there are no guarantees in life.I refuse to let fear stop me from living my life to the fullest.”

“I wish I was that strong,” Ellie said.

“Ellie, don’t you realize how strong you are?”Sierra asked.


“Ellie, I’ve watched you.Hell, we’ve all watched you.You planned my wedding and my bachelorette party, and you took on that line of Doms like they were koala bears.They didn’t scare you.”

Ellie grinned.It felt good to smile.“They were a little intimidating.”

Tessa and Sierra laughed.

“But,” Sierra continued.“You didn’t take any crap from them.Then you joined Wicked Sanctuary.We all watched you with Logan.You might have been nervous and a little anxious, but you played.You took a chance on a relationship with Logan.”

“I thought I could handle it.”

“And you did,” Tessa said.“Don’t let your brother’s death mar what you have with Logan.It was tragic, yes.But he wasn’t even on duty.”

Damn it, they were right.Her brother’s death at the convenience store had been a case of wrong time, wrong place.She had to wonder if her brother even thought about what he was doing when he confronted the robber?Probably not, Tommy had always felt he was invincible.

But Logan never acted that way.Plus, he hadn’t kept anything from her regarding his job.He was open and honest.

Ellie sat up in her chair.“What have I been thinking?”

“Don’t borrow trouble is a phrase I’ve always liked,” Sierra said.

“I agree,” Tessa commented.

Ellie sat there in silence for a few minutes.Why hadn’t she seen that?Her brother wasn’t killed on duty.Yes, Logan had been hurt once, but that had been more accidental than anything.The second time, he was just at the scene, nowhere in the middle of it.

Logan also told her he didn’t take chances, that he was well aware of how dangerous his job could be.He even mentioned he wore a bullet proof vest even when other officers didn’t.He was doing everything he could to be safe.

And what about her?Her job wasn’t dangerous, but she’d had to deal with disgruntled partners when the divorcing spouse wanted a divorce party.She’d never let that stop her.

“The lights are coming on.”

She put her face in her hand.“What have I done?And how can I fix it?What do I do now?”

“We can help with that,” Tessa said.

Chapter Sixteen

Monday morning, after chatting with Sierra and Tessa Friday night, Ellie had a plan.She’d just put her purse in her desk when the bell on her front door jingled.Ellie smoothed her hands down her pants and walked out.

Her breath caught in her throat when she saw two uniformed officers standing there.

“Ms.Tanner, I’m Sergeant Jenson.I’m not sure you remember me.”

“I do, Sergeant.”They’d met the day Logan was taken to the hospital for the bump on his head.Her heart pounded.“Is it Logan?”
