Page 19 of Illusion of Loving

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Ru gets up from the seat and passes me a needle. “I wish I could offer some wisdom.”

I take the needle from his hand, “It’s okay, being older doesn’t always mean you have all the answers. Wouldn’t that be amazing though? To know all the answers, like unlocking a new level in a game. I have yet to beat my game, but I will one day.”

I peek an eye out and see Ru looking at me…proudly. “You will.” He grins.

I can’t help but get butterflies from his confidence in me.

“You know…” He starts but gives up on what he was going to say.

My eyes narrow wanting to know what he was going to say, “What?” I’m intrigued now.

“Nothing.” He maintains, yet that smirk is still on his lips.

“Tell me or I will stab you with the needle. You think I won’t stab my employer?” I wiggle the needle in my hand.

“I was thinking about our dance and that we didn’t get to finish it.” Ru looks adorable when he’s embarrassed.

My heart fluttered at the memory. “It was a nice dance, but I think your right...we shouldn’t push it.”

“I never said...” He tries to defend himself.

I swallow, “Your face sold you out.” I clear my throat. “We can’t just be a man and a woman. Our original ties are difficult to sever.”

“They are. This is hard. I like you, Ihonestly reallyfucking like you, but then there is like a tiny Greyson sitting on my shoulder telling me that I’m wrong for wanting you. Being a parent doesn’t stop when your kids turn eighteen.”

I nod. “Right. Then let’s not test fate.”

Ru sighs and becomes quiet for the rest of the night.

The drive home was as you would expect, quiet and awkward. When we got home, Ru started to walk inside the house, but I had forgotten my portfolio in the car.

“I had to see it with my own eyes…” That voice.

I pop my head out of the car and see Greyson standing outside his car.

Chapter 6


How...the fuck is this possible?

“How did you find me?” I am in complete shock.

He laughs crazily, “You are at my dad’s home getting out of his car in the middle of the night, and you want to know how I found you? Your house burns down, and you can’t even answer a text to say that you’re alive?!”

In what world, do I owe him peace of mind? “You don’t understand why I’m here, so before you say something stupid, calm down.” I scoff.

He laughs once more in disbelief, “I know what’s happening. You’re fucking him to get back at me. I told you over and over how sorry I was, and you still did this stupid shit.”

“I’m not fucking your dad,” I state…we didn’t get that far.

“Who knew you were a bigger slut than your mom.” Greyson looked at me more relaxed. His eyes widen and he takes a step closer to me, “I didn’t mean that.” He quickly recants.

Tears fall from my eyes as I watch the man that I love disrespect me like I’m someone who meant nothing to him.

Five Years Ago

The convention is canceled, this is not how I saw the day going. I thought I would finally be able to meet my favorite designer in the entire world. It’s not her fault she is sick. Maybe next time.
