Page 20 of Illusion of Loving

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I sit at the hotel bar and drink my frustration away. Spinning in the bar chair and see a man looking at me. He’s good-looking, his brown hair pushed back, he is in business attire, and he certainly knows how to make his clothes fit him perfectly. Is he a model?

He’s walking up. What do I do?! Stay calm, you’re fine. He is just a normal human man who looks incredibly hot and way out of your league.

“I noticed you, noticing me, noticing you. So, I thought I’d come by and see if I had a chance in learning your name.” The nameless model says.

“Taurus.” I greet.

He smiles so brightly that it’s blinding. “Greyson.” He greets back.


This is the same man who would drive to my house every night just to make sure I got home okay. The same guy who recreated our first meeting as a way to propose to me.

“Who are you right now? Seriously who the fuck are you? Have you always been this way? Did I just not notice because I was happy that a guy like you would even want to talk to me? I was blind this whole time. I was so desperate for love that I believed you would be the one to give it to me. You did well in making me believe for a while. You don’t do that to someone you love and even as I am standing here pouring my heart out to you, I wonder if you can hear me.”

“Taurus, I do hear you.” He sighs. His hands ran through his combed-back hair.

“I couldn’t even think of giving my heart to someone else because I still loved you, or who I thought you were. Seeing you again just reminded me of all the time I have lost playing the fool at your side. The people who have probably laughed at me behind my back, knowing the truth. I won’t let you embarrass me anymore.”

He sighs deeply, “I didn’t cheat on you the whole time we were together. Just after we got engaged. I felt trapped. I wasn’t ready and I knew you would leave if I didn’t propose.”

I was smiling but not because it was funny. “Half a year? Every time you smiled in my face and touched me, you went to touch someone else and smile intheirface.” I wipe my tear away, “I’m sorry I didn’t realize how much of a burden it was to marry me.” I was beyond the point of anger.

“Taurus, I fucked up, but I do love you and want to marry you. I know that now. You are the first real thing in my life that made me happy. We can work this out, no matter how much time you need.”

“Cheating on me because you couldn’t just talk to me is not love and you won’t convince me otherwise. I gave you my body, my soul, and I would have given you my vows. So, go live the life you genuinely want. You can screw however many girls you want and not pretend you care. Do whatever you have to do and never come near me again.”

“Why are you with my father?” He ignored everything I just said. His ego has reached its limit and he can't walk this earth knowing that I fucked his father.

If I go on like this, I feel like I will suffocate. My tears stop falling and I smile. “To be clear, I haven’t fucked your dad. That’s what you want to know, right? As I said, I haven’t, butnowI’m going to make it my life’s mission to fuck your father.” My voice is calm as I say this to him.

Greyson looks at me in shock over my words. “You’re just saying that because I pissed you off. I didn’t mean to say what I did.”

“That’s funny because I meant what I just said. I amgoingto fuck your dad. I amgoingto let him use me like a fucking sex doll because that’s the kind of slut I am.” I laugh sarcastically, “I would love to stay and chat, but you know us sluts must get a good night’s sleep so we can suck off our father-in-law. Sorry,ex-father-in-law.”

I turn to walk back inside the house, but Greyson grabs me and slams me up against Ru’s car. “You think I’m going to let you go back into that house?!”

I tried to get Greyson off me, but he is still much bigger than me and continues to push his body weight on me, but suddenly his weight stops crushing me, and he is on the ground.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Ru thunders. “When have you ever been raised to use any violence against anyone, especially a woman? Leave on your own before you spend the night in a jail cell, I will talk to you tomorrow when you have cooled down. If you were anyone else, son, I would have put you in a hospital, remember that.”

Ru is frightening when he’s pissed, and I can tell Greyson is scared by the way he’s frozen in place. Seeing Ru's protective outburst calms me, and I walk away from the situation and back into the house.

A few moments later, I hear a car engine turn on and drive away. Ru comes into the house and sits on the couch in front of me.

“He’s never done that before…I don't knowwhothat is.” I clear my throat trying to prevent my tears from falling.

Ru gently runs his thumb against the cut on my hand. “I’m sorry that he hurt you.”

“Did he have a bad temper growing up?”

Ru scratches his chin, “All kids have a bit of a temper when they are young, but I thought he grew out of it.”

“Or got better at hiding it…” I murmur under my breath.

His fingers clutch onto mine. “You won’t have to worry about him again, I’ll make sure of it. If being here is making you uncomfortable, I can set you up in an apartment. I don’t mind.”

I shake my head. “Living alone sounds depressing. I like it here. Unless the drama is too much, I understand if you think it’s better if I go. The last thing I want is to bring you problems after you have been so sweet to me.”
