Page 27 of Illusion of Loving

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Walking down the halls I feel particularly anxious. These are famous models, although, I have never heard of this kid named Skylar, must be a new addition or something.

With caution, I use the key card to the room and see that the suite is empty. “Hello?” I call out. Who leaves a kid alone? I hear a door close, and a blonde guy walks out with only a towel. This guy had a swimmer body; lean but muscular. “You…wouldn’t happen to be…Skylar?” I ask cautiously.

“So, you’re my babysitter,” Skylar smirks arrogantly.

Immediately, I spin around. So, he’s not a ten-year-old? “Um. I’ll be aiding you for the day until tomorrow. Is this your first time at fashion week?”

“Yeah, I have done multiple other shows, but last year I had a bit of a drug problem. I guess that’s why you’re here to make sure I don't get high the day before.”

I shake my head. “I was just told to aid you today. I was not informed about this.”

“Well, I don’t need you to assist me.” He scoffs. “Tell Bryn I’m fine. Leave.” He orders and I walk out of the suite. I groan, Bryn is going to kill me.

Hey. What are you doing?


Going over contracts. How’s it going with Skylar?


I can’t tell him he closed the door in my face.

It’s going great.


Really…? How did you manage that?


I decide not to reply and knock-on Skylar’s door. It takes a few seconds, but he finally answers. “You’re still here? Take a hint.”

“Listen, I promise to not get in your way. Please let me aid you.” I beg.

“You must be desperate for this.”

“I am. Please.” I beg once more.

He opens the door wider and gestures for me to enter. I sat in the living room and Skylar goes into the bedroom to change; I think. The bedroom door opens again, and a girl comes out. I have seen her before. She’s a model that works for another fashion brand. She waves and I wave back as she leaves. Then three more girls come out and my eyes widen. Damn what the hell kind of stamina does this guy have to have four girls in his bed?

I clear my throat, “How old are you, Skylar?” I wonder.

He comes out of the room and closes the door behind him, “Twenty-two.” He answers before drinking from his water bottle.

Ah. There it is. He’s young and reckless, that’s why Bryn wants me to babysit him. Young, reckless, and good-looking is a combination of trouble.

“You?” Skylar asks, sitting on the couch adjacent to me.

“Twenty-Seven, but I’ll be Twenty-Eight this year.”

“Really? So, is this your job? Babysitting?”

I glare, “No, I’m going to be a famous designer one day.” I say matter of fact.

He chuckles, “Yeah? So why the fuck are you babysitting me?”

“Got to start somewhere.” I shrug.
