Page 3 of Illusion of Loving

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He ignores me and gets up anyway. “Perfect, have your lawyer contact mine, it will be a pleasure to bury you in court.” He hands Mr. Allard his card.

Mr. Allard scoffs and goes back into the restaurant.

Ru takes my hand, “I’m taking you to a hospital.”

I pull my hand away, “Trust me, Ido notneed a hospital. It’s just a cut, I’ll put some alcohol on it, a bandage,newbangs, and I’ll be as good as new.”

Mr.Wén sighs.“Please let me take you. Iwill notfeel alright for the rest of the night knowing I let you bleed out of your head and did nothing about it.” His eyes look at me with such consideration.

“Thank you Mr. Wén, I appreciate you for helping me, but I can make it home on my own.” I state once again.

“Can I at least get you a taxi?” He insists.

“Ru, are you okay?” A woman comes out of the restaurant.She iswearing a dress that costs more than my life savings. Her hair was down her back, black, and wavy. Her lips were small, plump, and nude.

“I’m sorry, Lily. This is Taurus. She bumped her head, is bleeding and refusing to take any help.”

I roll my eyes, is he trying to guilt me into taking his help? “I’ll take the taxi,” I say a bit under my breath.

He smiles kindly, “Can I borrow your phone?”

“Sure.” I pass it to him.

“This is my number. If that idiot makes good on his threat,do nothesitate to call me.”

I take my phone back. “Thank you, enjoy the rest of your night, you guys.”

The taxi picked me up quickly. As we drive down my street, the smell of smoke overwhelmed the car. It was seeping through the outside. My heart sinks as police and firefighters surround my house. The house is on fire, and the flames are ludicrous. My life had burned down into nothing.

“How did this happen?” I sit on the curb and watch as my home, my memories, and my comfort burns to the ground.

“We are not sure yet, ma’am. There will be an investigation once the fire is put out. Do you have anywhere you can stay in the meantime?” The firefighter drags on.

I could hardly hear what he was saying, the most important thing in my life was in that house.

“Ma’am?” He calls to me.

“Yes.” I have nowhere to go.

I call every hotel within a mile radius. Everything is booked up. It’s fucking Valentine's Day tomorrow. Of course, there are no rooms available.

I have no friends or family and I'm not going to live on the fucking street.Especially, when I am so close to getting my foot in the door atYoung Ensemble. One of the biggest fashion brands of my lifetime.

Hotels are not an option, motels maybe? I call around for an hour and even the worst motels are taken up.

I look down at my phone. Mr. Wén did say to call if I needed him, right? It is just for the night. I’ll find somewhere to stay tomorrow.

I pick up the phone and dial, “Gosh, what am I doing…” I mumble to myself.

“Taurus?” He answers.

I stammer, “Mr. Wén I am so sorry to bother you. I don’t know how to say this, but my house is burning to theliteralground and all the hotels are booked up for Valentine's Day and I just need a place to stay for the night. I know we do not know each other very well but-”

“On my way. Stay there. Send me the address.” He responded before hanging up. I stare at the phone, is he coming?

I sit on the sidewalk and continue to watch the firefighters put out the fire. How did this happen? I kept important things in storage, but my father’s letters were still in there and now they are completely gone. Who would do this?

A car is speeding down the road and I can hear the tires screech as the car stopped. Mr. Wén gets out of the car, opens the passenger side, and stands by the door holding it open. “Coming?” He calls out.
