Page 37 of Illusion of Loving

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Ru is laughing at me the entire time as I fill up the cart, “We came to get ice cream, Taurus.”

“You have to get it last or it’ll melt. These are standard supermarket protocols.” I sigh dramatically.

Ru continues to laugh at me, but I just roll my eyes and lean against the cart. Ru is behind me with his hands wrapped around my waist. “I can push the cart.” He continues to offer.

I finally gave in and let him push the cart for the rest of the outing. It was almost like he wasn’t used to going out to stores to shop.

I can feel him watching me with that grin on his face as I stand in front of the ice cream and try to pick out the right one. “You’re cute,” Ru comments wrapping his arms around me again.

I turn around and pull on the string of his sweatshirt so that he leans down and kisses me. “Do you want to start sleeping in my bed? Or I could sleep in yours…” Ru asks in between kisses.

“Let’s sleep in yours.” I give him one last kiss and pick out an ice cream flavor. “It smells like you.” I gleam and then realize what I just said.

“Oh?” He bursts out laughing. “You have no filter, do you?”

“No—I-I-I mean it’s soft when I sat on it that one time.” I try and clean up my embarrassing statement.

He nuzzles his nose into my neck and leaves a small kiss. “I like the way you smell too.”


I think Taurus is probably the most honest human being I have ever met. Her mind and her mouth seem to not be connected sometimes. She is honest to a fault and does not realize how charming that makes her, but she refuses to look at me now and keeps running into different aisles without me.

“Taurus, stop hiding from me.” I whisper.

Leaving the supermarket, we make it home and Taurus decides crêpes would be a promising idea at two in the morning.

“Okay, we have all the ingredients, which is good...” I say grabbing a bowl.

Taurus clears her throat, “Ru, not that I don’t believe that you can’t make crêpes, but I’m pretty sure there are no green onions in sweet crêpes…”

“That’s because I’m making Jian Bing,” I explain.

She looks at me with curious eyes, “What’s that?”

“It’s Chinese crêpes, you’ll like it. Trust me it’s good.”

She nods and watches me cook. “Who taught you to cook?” She asks, batting those beautiful long lashes at me.

“My dad, I was born in China, but I moved here when I was like five years old. Once the business took off in America, mom wanted to move us and so we stayed for the majority of my life. My father pretty much became a stay-at-home father, since my mother was running such a huge company. He taught me to cook and help me with all my schooling. When Greyson was born, I thought he was gonna kick me out. In the end, I got cursed out by both my parents, but then they became doting grandparents who couldn’t be happier that I had a baby at an early age.”

Taurus eats one of the chopped green onions, “Do you miss living there? Or do you not remember much because you were young?”

I think back to when I was younger, “I remember going to school in China, I remember my family, but that’s about it. I didn’t go back to China until I was an adult. My mother didn’t like living there when she was younger, but once she got older she couldn’t wait to move back.”

“I’ll have to go one day.” She yawns and it puts a smile on my face. Let’s go together Taurus. “You know, I haven’t heard you speak any Mandarin.” She comments.

I yawn myself, “That’s because I’m not the best at speaking it.”

Her eyes light up and I stop what I’m doing to kiss her. I still haven’t forgotten that I promised to design something for her, but nothing comes to mind just yet.


Next Day

That morning I ran a couple of errands. I mean today is the day and I want to make sure I did everything to make a good first impression. I got a new outfit, got my hair cut, and thought about a list of different things about which we could talk about.

I run into the house and see Ru cooking in the kitchen. I wrap my arms around him from behind. “Guess who got their Depo-shot today, I’m all set now.” I purr.
