Page 36 of Illusion of Loving

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Greyson paces around the room. “I had a relationship with her for years. Everything is always great in the beginning. Besides my whole life you’ve never been serious about any relationship, so why destroy your relationship with your son for some pussy that you’ll grow tired of.”

“Greyson, I will be your father even after we’re both gone. I will always be here if you need me, but I am also a man with needs of my own. You as a man yourself should be able to understand me at least at that level. This was not the ideal situation that I wanted for myself, we were not searching for each other, but somehow, we came into each other’s lives again. I never meant for this to happen; this was not done out of spite. But I don’t want to die knowing that I didn’t try.”

I could tell that my words weren’t reaching him. I could see the anger on his face. “You will never know her as I do. I hurt her and I know that, but she loves me. She may not believe me, but I love her too and I will get her back. We belong together… I know that now. When she realizes that it’ll never work between the both of you, she’s gonna come running right back to me.” His smirk is telling. “She’s broken and you can’t fix her.” He walks past me out of the door with his final words. How the fuck did my son get like this?

I gather up the remaining luggage and meet back up in the car.


Boarding the jet, I ran right to the bed. All I want is to scrub the day away and fall into a blissful sleep until we arrive. Ru sits across from me typing away on his laptop.

After an hour, I look at him with a longing gaze and he stops typing, “Did you want me to lay with you?” He teases reaching his hand out to me.

I smack it away, “Yes, I want you to lay down with me and make me forget about the tiresome day I’ve had.” I whine.

He chuckles, “I can do that.” Ru shuts his laptop and lies behind me pulling me closer to his chest. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck. “Ready to go back?” He mumbles.

“Yes, I have to finish that project for Bryn, the design inspired by your mother’s collection.”

Ru yawns, “Speaking of my mother…she is coming to visit.”

I turn around, look at him with wide eyes, my heart stops and I’m sure the world did that day as well. “Your mother is coming to visit?” I scramble. I sit up and feel my chest tightening. “The icon herself?”

Ru pulls me back down, “Lay down, you’re going to trigger an asthma attack.”

“So, when were you thinking of making my dreams come true—I mean—when is she thinking of coming?” I smile widely. My legs happily crisscrossed in the air.

He looks at the calendar on his phone, “She is already there in town, but I told her we are coming back early, therefore she should be coming over tomorrow.”

I cannot believe what’s happening right now. The woman I idolize more than anyone in the entire world is coming to see Ru. How many people can say that they met their fucking idol? This is insane. Isn’t it? Meeting her like this seems a little strange. Hopefully, we don’t get too much into the details of why I am there. I mean this is Greyson’s grandmother, who knows what she’s already heard of me? Will she hate me? Will she like me? I have no clue, but this just became too real too fast.

Ru rubs my back, “Breathe, everything will be fine. Please do not overthink it. You are an amazing designer; I’m sure you will hit it off fine.”

“Why would you say that? Now it’s not gonna be fine.” I stammer. “You have doomed our meeting. Now she’s gonna hate me.”

Ru rolls his eyes as he hovers over me, “Relax, Taurus. I know my mother, there is no way she’s going to hate you.” He kisses down my neck, “And even if she doesn’t like you, it doesn’t matter becauseIlike you.”

I sigh, “I don’t think you understand. Your mother is the reason for me having any interests or dreams. I owe her my entire life. Life sucked growing up and your mom was the only thing that push me through It.” I explain.

Ru gently pushes my head so that my lips crash into his. I wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Ru pulls away and offers me a small smile, “I understand. She inspired you, but everything that you are is fully your own doing. Don’t let any type of interaction with my mother affect how you feel about your work. You’re an amazing designer and it’s not because of my mother, it’s because you truly have a talent for what you do.”

Ru’s encouraging words put my mind at ease for the rest of the trip back home. These small interactions between us generate so much emotion within me that I didn’t think possible.

When we get home, we put on some comfortable sweats and hang around the kitchen.

“Do we not have any ice cream?” I sigh.

Rue looks in the freezer and doesn’t find any. “I guess not…” He trails.

“Want to run to the store? “ I suggest.

“Sure.” He agrees.

I throw his car keys at him, and he catches them swiftly, of course. We get into the car and drive to the nearby supermarket. Since we’ve lived here, I have never seen either one of us go to a supermarket. There’s always just food in the fridge and I never know who brought it.

At first, we were here to get ice cream, but you know how it is when you go to the supermarket and you think you’re going in for one thing, and you go in and get a million things you do not need. We ended up filling the cart with snacks, and some other trivial things for the house.

“These candles smell so good!” I squeal.
